Recent Press Releases for Telecom and Internet Infrastructure

Telecom Ramblings Newswire archives press releases for the telecom and internet infrastructure sectors. You can view the archives By Company, By Date, or By Subject.

October 25, 2011 TLS

CDNetworks Expands Capacity with Global Tier One TeliaSonera International Carrier

October 25, 2011 S

payLo by Virgin Mobile Launches the Samsung M575 Exclusively in Best Buy Stores

October 24, 2011 ADV

ICN Selects ADVA Optical Networking for State-Wide Network

October 24, 2011 AKAM

Akamai Announces Second Quarter 2011 ‘State of the Internet’ Report

October 24, 2011 AKAM

Akamai to Host Investor Summit

October 24, 2011 BSFT

BroadSoft to Announce Q3 Fiscal Results on November 7, 2011

October 24, 2011 CALX

VTel Selects Calix to Enable Vermonters to Connect to the WOW State-of-the-Art Fiber Internet Network

October 24, 2011 CTL

CenturyLink Expands High-Speed Internet Service to Customers in Litchfield

October 24, 2011 CTL

CenturyLink to Participate in Analyst Conferences

October 24, 2011 DLR

Digital Realty Achieves ‘Five 9s’ of Uptime for Fourth Consecutive Year

October 24, 2011 DLR

Digital Realty Increases Number of LEED-Certified Data Centers to Nineteen

October 24, 2011 DLR

Digital Realty Trust, Inc. Declares Quarterly Common and Preferred Stock Dividends

October 24, 2011 INAP

IDG Computerworld Names Internap as one of the Top Green-IT Vendors

October 24, 2011 CALL

magicJack VocalTec to Report Earnings Friday, October 28th

October 24, 2011 Megapath

MegaPath “Tech Talk Rap” Video Wins Top Prize in $30,000 Zooppa Crowdsourcing Contest

October 24, 2011 IPC Systems

IPC Launches Express Trading Route Linking New York, Stamford and Boston to Provide High-Speed Trading Connectivity

October 24, 2011 Huawei

Huawei Showcases Broadband Empowered ICT Services in ITU

October 24, 2011 Lightower

New York City Technology Forum

October 24, 2011 Enventis

HickoryTech Named One of Forbes 100 Best Small Companies

October 24, 2011 IO

IO Announces Contract with Broker Brain

October 24, 2011 VZ

Verizon Foundation Awards $25,000 to Partners Healthcare Center for Connected Health

October 24, 2011 Sidera Networks

Columbia College Chicago Leverages Cutting-edge Dark Fiber Solution to Greatly Expand Bandwidth Availability

October 24, 2011 CIEN, Fibertech

Fibertech Networks Selects Ciena to Deliver Mobile Backhaul Network

October 24, 2011 EQIX

Equinix Launches Marketplace; Transforms the Data Center Into a Revenue Center

October 24, 2011 S

Samsung Transform™ Ultra fact sheet