Recent Press Releases for Telecom and Internet Infrastructure

Telecom Ramblings Newswire archives press releases for the telecom and internet infrastructure sectors. You can view the archives By Company, By Date, or By Subject.

September 2, 2014 Masergy


September 2, 2014 VZ

Top Security Trends Driving Enterprise Spend Through 2018

September 2, 2014 NSN

Nokia Networks big data innovation promises dynamic experience management #NetworksPerform

September 2, 2014 NSN

Safer, faster travel for Spanish railway passengers

September 2, 2014 NSN

Nokia Networks expands portfolio to boost network, service quality #NetworksPerform

September 2, 2014 FirstLight Fiber

FirstLight Fiber Agrees to Acquire G4 Communications’ Assets

September 2, 2014 365main

Utopia Systems Selects 365 Data Centers’ Philadelphia Facility to Deliver it’s SAAS Solutions

September 2, 2014 Viawest

Shaw Closes ViaWest Acquisition

September 2, 2014 OnRamp

OnRamp Showcases HIPAA Hosting Solutions at ATA Fall Forum

September 2, 2014 Pacnet

Pacnet Receives PCI DSS 2.0 Certification for Its Singapore, Hong Kong and Sydney Data Centers

September 2, 2014 Data Foundry, TWTC

tw telecom to Provide Business Ethernet to Data Foundry’s new Houston 2 Data Center

September 2, 2014 ALU, TEF

Alcatel-Lucent to develop 100G optical network for Telefonica Spain

September 2, 2014 T

AT&T Launches Cloud Storage Offer For Federal Government Agencies With Built-In Network Security

September 2, 2014 ADTN

ADTRAN and Northwest Telecommunications Association to Deliver Oceans of Bandwidth

August 28, 2014 INAP

Internap to Present at the Drexel Hamilton Telecom, Media and Technology Conference

August 28, 2014 CTL

CenturyLink opens second data center in Toronto market

August 28, 2014 NAVI

NaviSite Launches Two Additional UK Cloud Nodes

August 28, 2014 Huawei

MTN and Huawei Announce Completion of Transport SDN and 2.4T WDM System Field Trial in South Africa

August 28, 2014 KDDI America, Telehouse America

Telehouse/KDDI Builds Two New Telehouse Data Centres in Tokyo and Osaka

August 28, 2014 eunetworks

euNetworks Announces Key Management Transition

August 28, 2014 Zayo

Zayo Group Announces Expanded Connect to the Cloud Platform

August 27, 2014 VZ

5 Key Insights on Internet of Things and Manufacturing

August 27, 2014 TWTC

tw telecom Delivers Business Ethernet Solutions to Springs Hosting Data Center in Colorado Springs

August 27, 2014 Masergy


August 27, 2014 INAP

Internap to Present at the Drexel Hamilton Telecom, Media and Technology Conference