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Press Release -- May 15th, 2014
Source: AT&T

Software Update Now Available for HTC One (M8) Customers

HTC One M8 Features and Specs – AT&T Mobile Minute

Check out the latest smartphone from HTC. Watch as we review HTC One M8 features and specs, including HTC Duo Camera that allows you to use professional effects right on your phone. Also learn about other great features like HTC Zoe and HTC BoomSound. For more information visit Visit for the latest news from AT&T.

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Customers who have an AT&T HTC One (M8) will begin to receive a software update today that includes key enhancements to Bluetooth functionality, 4G LTE performance and the Fitbit app.

As a first-time user of Fitbit you can start to track your daily fitness progress by using the sensors integrated into the HTC One (M8). For the dedicated Fitbit user you can track your daily fitness progress through your Fitbit wearables and accessories.

Additional enhancements to the Fitbit app include the ability to:

  • Wirelessly sync your Fitbit wearable with your HTC One (M8).
  • Log the food that you eat track calories day, set a weight goal and manage your fitness routine over time.
  • Compete and compare stats with your Fitbit friends.

Read the full blog post here.

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