Questions: “What else is the Un-carrier going to Un-do?”

BASKING RIDGE, N.J. – Sometimes the truth hurts, big time. And Verizon will not sit on the sidelines and watch as the Un-carrier continues to hoodwink consumers by dazzling them with one catchy announcement after another, only to Un-ravel and Un-do them just as soon as people forget. So we’re doing a #CarrierClapback to expose these #TMyths for just what they are.
Let’s review the timeline:
Jan 5, 2017: Announces taxes & fees now included in plans.
Aug 6, 2018: Launches Essentials plan. This is essentially a way to bring back taxes and fees (that sure didn’t last long).
Jan 22, 2022: More fees please. Fees raised on both consumer voice and data lines (sure seems like a lot of fees for a carrier that cut them out a few years ago).
Mar 21, 2022: Connect plan launches without taxes included. But wait, didn’t you say just a few years ago you were doing away with taxes and fees? What gives?!
May 5, 2022: Price Lock. Touted as a win for customers, it promises customers will never see their bills increase. Sounds great if it wasn’t one of the ways they sweetened the pot to get their merger complete.
June 3, 2022: Assisted support and upgrade support cost jumps to $35. Ok, so your plan price may not change, but your admin fee has gone up and it now costs $35 for support? Seems like just another name for a fee.
2nd Half 2022: what else will they Un-do?
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