What a company needs to know before opening up its network to employees’ personal mobile devices.
It is what almost every mid-sized and larger company is talking about today. BYOD. Bring Your Own Device. Employees using their personal mobile devices to access the company network and do their work.
It’s happening. Fast. IT departments can’t do much to stop it even if they want to, so it is now an issue of managing it, with security of the company network and data resources the biggest concerns.
A new Sprint Ebook, The Ten Tenets of BYOD Wisdom, tells how companies can allow – and even encourage – employees to bring their own devices, while still protecting their business.
From the start, it is critical to make sure a BYOD program is set up correctly. The Ebook gives 10 solid pieces of advice about how to do that. It covers everything from making sure everyone is fully involved at the start of the program, to defining the allowable advices, to assuring that data security is as rigorous as possible, to dealing with employees who leave the company, to phasing in a successful program.
Sprint has extensive capabilities at helping companies of all sizes, in all industries, set up BYOD programs. The sage advice offered in The Ten Tenets of BYOD Wisdom enables a company considering BYOD to understand all the issues involved before taking this important step.
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