Eco-friendly attributes meets style and affordability
Successor to the popular LG Rumor Touch™, LG Rumor Reflex is a sleek messaging device that offers an affordable and environmentally responsible addition to Sprint’s existing family of devices with eco-friendly attributes. LG Rumor Reflex boasts the coveted ULE Platinum Certification, the highest level of environmental performance recognized by sustainable requirements established by UL Environment (ULE) and Sprint. The feature-rich LG Rumor Reflex also offers a large 3-inch WQVGA touchscreen, 2 megapixel camera and camcorder, MicroSD card slot supporting up to 32GB, and 3G data capabilities. Customers can enjoy instant access to update their social network status, upload a picture or find the coolest hangout with its built-in GPS. The device will initially be available in Titan grey color and will be available in white in the coming months.

1All talk and standby times are quoted in Digital Mode and are approximate. Battery performance depends on network configuration, signal strength, operating temperature, select features, and voice, data and other application usage patterns.
Nichole Cappitelli, Sprint Conor Campbell, LG-One
949-748-3364 858-805-6631
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