Recent Press Releases for Telecom and Internet Infrastructure

Telecom Ramblings Newswire archives press releases for the telecom and internet infrastructure sectors. You can view the archives By Company, By Date, or By Subject.

February 13, 2014 NSN

NSN builds on Liquid Applications to create faster, more personal content and services

February 13, 2014 GTSCE

GTS to provide Orbis Hotel Group with network services

February 13, 2014 SFR

ChinaCache and Server Farm Realty to Collaborate on Cloud Infrastructure Development

February 12, 2014 MetTel

MetTel Awarded AOTMP Efficiency First Solution Certification

February 12, 2014 NSN

New network-based security solution from NSN helps protect smart device users against malware #MWC14

February 12, 2014 NSN

NSN helps operators simplify multi-vendor network and service operations

February 12, 2014 Integra Telecom

Integra Expands Indirect Channel with Agent Alliance Partnership

February 12, 2014 Huawei

China Telecom and Huawei accomplished world’s first Embedded OTDR field tests

February 12, 2014 Huawei

Huawei and Nokia Solutions and Networks Sign Bi-lateral Agreement for Operations Support System Interoperability Initiative

February 12, 2014 CYAN

Cyan Ushers in New Era For Carrier Network Transformation with Packet-Optical and SDN Advancements

February 12, 2014 VZ

Expanded Verizon Financial Network Boosts Global Trading Capabilities

February 12, 2014 NTT

NTT Communications 100 Gbps Ethernet Interconnection Transmits World’s First 8K Video in Uncompressed Format

February 12, 2014 WIN

Windstream declares 25-cent quarterly dividend

February 12, 2014 ERIC

Telecom Cloud Transformation consulting services

February 12, 2014 ERIC

Ericsson transforms the way networks are managed

February 12, 2014 ERIC

Outdoor enclosure from Ericsson doubles radio capacity in same footprint

February 12, 2014 ERIC

Launch: Ericsson Networks Software drives network evolution

February 12, 2014 ERIC

Launch: Ericsson solution for operators to mobilize enterprise

February 12, 2014 ERIC

Launch: ‘Future TV Anywhere’ from Ericsson transforms TV viewing experience

February 12, 2014 ERIC

Launch: ‘Service Agility’ speeds innovation, collaboration and OSS/BSS in real-time

February 12, 2014 ERIC

Launch: Ericsson brings capacity with ‘Small Cell as a Service’

February 12, 2014 ERIC

Launch: Evolved Packet Core provided in a virtualized mode industrializes NFV

February 12, 2014 ELNK

CIO of The College Network Wins 2014 Frost & Sullivan Impact Award for Implementation of Innovative EarthLink Cloud Solution

February 12, 2014 DLR

Digital Realty Increases Quarterly Common Stock Dividend by 6% to $0.83 per Share

February 12, 2014 CSCO

Cisco Reports Second Quarter Earnings