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Press Release -- April 7th, 2021
Source: DE-CIX

DE-CIX Chicago is now OPEN-IX certified

Our Internet Exchange in Chicago has obtained the OIX-1 certification of Open-IX Internet Exchange standards. Chicago is our third exchange in the US to achieve this certification after New York and Dallas, illustrating our dedication to maintaining the highest standards of interconnection infrastructure and supporting an open and distributed interconnection ecosystem.

To receive the OIX-1 certification, DE-CIX Chicago met the strictest criteria defined by global industry veterans and our infrastructure has proven to be of the highest standard for interconnection, resilience, and reliability.

Best-of-breed standards

Open-IX is an industry-led volunteer organization focused on creating best-of-breed standards for Internet Exchange and data-centre providers. It fosters mutually beneficial ecosystems built upon core values and best practices designed, moderated, and certified by industry professionals. The association provides technical standards that ensure uniformity for data transformation and physical connectivity to create more resilient and reliable solutions.

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