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Press Release -- December 22nd, 2020
Source: AT&T

‘Tis the season, to reconnect and share a little love

Everyone has risen to the challenge this year. Kids learned to navigate school online and adults discovered “working from home” can quickly turn into “living at work”. So while we look toward the new year, we’re doing something completely unexpected: we’re empowering everyone to disconnect and take a well-deserved day offline.


This simple call-to-action is a reminder that we don’t always have to be “on.” Whether it encourages someone to “take a snow day” this winter or create their own three-day weekend this summer – there’s the potential to inspire people to connect in ways that don’t require the services we provide.

Little Love

AT&T is sharing a little love as we close out 2020 and look forward to the New Year with hope. The new creative features people from all walks of life coming together singing the 1969 hit “Put a Little Love in Your Heart,” including a few notable vocal cameos from AT&T’s well-loved Lily character, and none-other than LeBron James.

The heartfelt track serves as a much-needed anthem for unity and compassion as we all continue to be socially distant.

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