“Virtual, Flexible, Closer to the Customer”: DE-CIX Launches Flexpop Infrastructure-as-a-Service
Frankfurt – October 29, 2019. DE-CIX, the world’s leading Internet Exchange operator, has just launched a new Infrastructure-as-a-Service offer for carriers – the first of its kind worldwide in the Internet Exchange industry. The new DE-CIX service FlexPOP enables carriers to establish virtual PoPs (points of presence) as needed at a large number of DE-CIX access points. FlexPOP leverages DE-CIX’s geographical presence, allowing carriers to increase their on-net coverage without needing to invest in infrastructure. Carriers can virtually and flexibly use these PoPs to compete for business even in locations where they are not physically present, giving them a competitive advantage.
“FlexPOP is an exciting innovation in interconnection services – it’s a one-of-a-kind service, which helps our customers make the most of their connection to DE-CIX,” says Ivo Ivanov, Chief Operating Officer of the DE-CIX Group AG. “It fulfils a clear and expressed need in the industry – allowing carriers to be where their customers need them, without really being there.” The service was initiated by and designed together with selected carriers connected to the DE-CIX platform. Ivanov continues: “A service like this would not have been possible without our data center and carrier neutrality, our global expansion strategy in recent years, and our success in growing vibrant interconnection ecosystems.”
The service is now available in two independent infrastructure zones: firstly, the German market and secondly, in DE-CIX Madrid and DE-CIX Lisbon; DE-CIX New York will be added in due course as a further zone. To use FlexPoP, a carrier simply needs to be physically present at a single DE-CIX PoP within the infrastructure zone. The carrier can then transport data to any other PoP within that infrastructure zone where DE-CIX is present.
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About DE-CIX
DE-CIX is the world’s leading Internet Exchange operator. Having started operations in 1995, DE-CIX in Frankfurt am Main is the Internet Exchange (IX) with the world’s highest data throughput at peak times, at over 7.5 Terabits per second (Tbps). Its technical infrastructure has a total capacity of 48 Terabits.
In total, DE-CIX serves over 1700 network operators, Internet service providers (ISPs), and content providers from more than 100 countries with peering and interconnection services at its 18 locations in Europe, Middle East, India and North America. Further information at www.de-cix.net
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