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Press Release -- March 30th, 2018
Source: DE-CIX

IX Reach now available with 200GE at DE-CIX Frankfurt

28 March 2018
IX Reach now available with 200GE at DE-CIX Frankfurt

IX Reach, one of DE-CIX’s top resellers, has recently upgraded its infrastructure in Frankfurt to 200GE. They once were the first reseller for DE-CIX Frankfurt, and later also the first reseller for Marseille and Dallas, and as such they have accompanied DE-CIX’s development for many years.

Meanwhile, IX Reach connects networks to our exchanges in Frankfurt, New York, Dallas, Madrid, and Marseille, as well as UAE-IX via the IX Reach network and DE-CIX Istanbul, Hamburg, Munich and Dusseldorf via the DE-CIX GlobePEER Remote service. Overall, they are connecting more networks to DE-CIX than any other reseller.

With the upgrade to 200GE, IX Reach is the third reseller connecting with multiple 100GE.

Many thanks for your support and happy peering for all of your customers!

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