IaaS Solution Leverages QTS’ Industry-Leading Cloud, Compliance and Security Expertise
OVERLAND PARK, Kan., May 18, 2016 /PRNewswire/ — QTS Realty Trust, Inc. (QTS), an international provider of data center, managed hosting and cloud services, today launched QTSHealthcare Community Cloud (HCC). QTS HCC is a purpose-built Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) solution exclusively for healthcare organizations that require a highly secure and scalable cloud infrastructure to safely share sensitive data, and meet strict regulatory mandates including HIPAA and HITECH.
With more than a decade of experience keeping IT infrastructure and data secure, compliant and protected for healthcare systems, QTS understands the need for a cloud solution tailored to meet healthcare entities’ complex compliance requirements. QTS HCC builds on QTS’ cloud and compliance expertise, allowing organizations to leverage the benefits of the cloud such as improving agility, optimizing operations and resources to reduce capital expenditures, and protecting electronic patient health information (ePHI).
The IaaS platform is designed to meet healthcare security and compliance requirements including HIPAA/HITECH, and includes important security features including two factor authentication, data encryption at rest, and dedicated compute and storage resources. QTS HCC also enables secure healthcare hybrid cloud deployments, making it safe for organizations to move workloads between clouds and manage information flows between applications that share ePHI.
“Healthcare services delivery – and the protection of patient privacy and data security mandates – continues to evolve, and our healthcare customers trust QTS to deliver solutions that help them to efficiently meet these growing demands while managing risk and controlling costs,” said Dan Bennewitz, Chief Operating Officer – Sales and Marketing – QTS. “QTS Healthcare Community Cloud leverages our industry-leading cloud, security and compliance expertise to provide a scalable self-service solution for healthcare providers.”
Technological advances, health-system consolidation and increased government mandates such as meeting HIPAA/HITECH compliance standards and Meaningful Use requirements are driving healthcare to transition to more agile cloud platforms. While adoption of cloud-based services has been slower in the healthcare industry due primarily to security concerns, IDC Health Insights predicts that 80 percent of healthcare data will pass through the cloud at some point in its lifetime by 2020.
QTS HCC is built on best-of-breed technologies including VMware, Cisco and EMC. By integrating easily with private VMware environments, QTS HCC simplifies end-to-end cloud resource provisioning, delivery and management for hybrid cloud solutions.
About QTS
QTS Realty Trust, Inc. (QTS) is a leading provider of secure, compliant data center solutions, hybrid cloud and fully managed services. QTS’ integrated technology service platform of custom data center (C1), colocation (C2) and cloud and managed services (C3) provides flexible, scalable, secure IT solutions for web and IT applications. QTS’ Critical Facilities Management (CFM) provides increased efficiency and greater performance for third-party data center owners and operators. QTS owns, operates or manages 24 data centers and supports more than 1,000 customers in North America, Europe and Asia Pacific. For more information, please visit www.qtsdatacenters.com, call toll-free 877.QTS.DATA or follow us on Twitter @DataCenters_QTS.
Media Contact:
Jaclyn McDougal
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