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Press Release -- December 9th, 2014
Source: Adva Optical Networking

ADVA Optical Networking Transforms Fiber Access Networks with New Access Link Monitoring Solution

Now Possible to Monitor Dark Fiber Services with Exacting Real-time Data

December 09, 2014

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ADVA Optical Networking today launched its new FSP 3000 Access Link Monitoring (ALM) solution in a clear response to operators’ demands for greater insights into their rapidly expanding fiber access networks. With strong demand for a growing range of dark fiber access applications, including mobile fronthaul, mobile backhaul, business and wholesale, operators are looking for new ways to obtain continuous real-time performance data. This level of network intelligence will enable operators to sell dark fiber services with stringent Service Level Agreements (SLAs) at little extra cost – something that was not possible until now. The opportunity to develop new revenue sources here is profound. The ADVA FSP 3000 ALM is currently in trials with several major operators and will be commercially available in early 2015.

“Access networks are undergoing a radical transformation. Fiber is moving closer and closer to the end user,” said Christoph Glingener, CTO, ADVA Optical Networking. “But with this transformation comes the need for insight, for intelligence combined with cost-efficiency. As operators rapidly build their fiber access networks, they need to ensure they’re able to fully leverage their potential. Until now, applications that did not allow for active demarcation devices defaulted back to un-lit service models. Our ADVA FSP 3000 ALM solution with Optojack™ technology changes everything. This deceptively simple concept will forever change how operators sell their access applications. For the first time, they will be able to precisely monitor every aspect of their un-lit fiber access networks. For the first time, they will be able to offer strict SLAs. We’re talking about a new class of service offerings, a new source of revenue opportunity.”

The ADVA FSP 3000 ALM is a small, non-intrusive device that operates independently of data networking equipment. This separation of fiber monitoring from services and applications enables the ADVA FSP 3000 ALM to monitor fiber access networks regardless of the bitrate and protocol the overlaying service is using. The ADVA FSP 3000 ALM provides complete visibility into the health of fiber links by analyzing reflections of a non-intrusive test signal in continuous real-time. Such detailed monitoring provides operators with up-to-the-second knowledge of their fiber plant and an understanding of where and what action may need to be taken to ensure continued service availability. It can simultaneously monitor up to 16 fiber access tails and supports distances of 30km.

“When you listen closely to your customers, when you really understand what they want and what technology will make a difference to their bottom line, you can achieve extraordinary things,” commented Brian Protiva, CEO, ADVA Optical Networking. “This has been our guiding principal for many years and it’s what drove the development of the ADVA FSP 3000 ALM. The demand for streaming video and cloud services has driven the rapid build out of fiber access networks and operators no longer want to rent or lease dark fiber assets unmonitored. Our research teams and engineers have crafted something so small but something with huge potential. We’re already trialing the ADVA FSP 3000 ALM with several operators and are in discussions with others. The response here has been incredible. When you’re suddenly able to open up new revenue opportunities and offer your customers new levels of service, you have something truly compelling.”

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