MILAN, ITALY – May 24th, 2010
Tinet, formerly the carrier arm of Tiscali Group, the only global carrier exclusively committed to the IP and Ethernet wholesale market, and NORDUnet, a joint collaboration by the five Nordic National Research and Education Networks, announce today, NORDUnet’s selection of Tinet’s IP-Flow IP Transit service in Copenhagen, Denmark for high speed IP Transit service.
The multi year deal provides NORDUnet additional capacity for its Nordic research and educational networks interconnecting the regional and global networks. The service delivers both IPv4 and IPv6 connectivity to NORDUnet, continuing Tinet’s strong presence in the Research and Education vertical as well as in the Nordic Region.
NORDUnet is the Nordic infrastructure for research and education and includes the Forskningsnettet network in Denmark, the Funet network in Finland, the RHnet network in Iceland, the Uninett network in Norway and the SUNET network in Sweden. NORDUnet offers world-class, high- speed Internet access and high bandwidth connectivity throughout this region. Its IPv4 and Ipv6 production networks interconnect the Nordic research community to the rest of the world.
“Maintaining an innovative role in global communications is important to NORDUnet as we strive to collaborate with the world’s research and economic communities,” states Jørgen Qvist, Chief Network Operating Officer of NORDUnet. “We chose to deploy Tinet’s IP Transit service to help us further deliver highly available network services, supporting our global efforts.” NORDUnet requires secure and robust network connections to peer effectively with all regions of the globe.
“Tinet has been rated the top IPv6 network globally by an independent analyst firm,” continues Paolo Gambini, Chief Marketing Officer of Tinet. “We see the ability to serve the NORDUnet research network as another testament of our strategy of exclusively delivering high capacity IP and Ethernet services over an ever expanding geographic reach that reflects the fast changing Internet footprint. We look forward to further enhancing NORDUnet’s robust connectivity with Tinet’s highly available and scalable IP services.”
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