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Press Release -- February 22nd, 2024
Source: tribal-ready

Tribal Ready, PBC Announces Collaboration with Wavesight and Wind Talker Innovations to Help Bridge the Digital Divide in Indian Country

The companies will leverage their technological expertise to bring connectivity to underserved
and unserved areas

Washington, D.C. – Tribal Ready, PBC, a leader in bridging the digital divide in Indian Country,
is excited to announce a collaboration with Wind Talker Innovations, a prominent software
technology company, and Wavesight, a leading provider of advanced networking solutions.
Wavesight and Wind Talker recently announced a hardware distribution partnership designed to
address the digital divide in the United States.

“By joining forces with Wind Talker and Wavesight, we bring together decades of expertise in
communication network design and delivery,” said Joe Valandra, CEO of Tribal Ready, PBC.
“This partnership will help us provide essential broadband access to rural areas at an affordable
cost. Ultimately, this will ensure that currently unserved or underserved areas will have
improved access to education, healthcare, and economic growth through better technology.”
Wind Talker will facilitate the distribution of Wavesight’s fixed wireless and other equipment in
the U.S. market. Together with Tribal Ready, PBC, the companies aim to harness their
technological advancements to meet the escalating demand for reliable and affordable internet
connectivity in both unserved and underserved areas.

“I’m excited to see a partnership focused on how best to deliver a service that tribal
communities can benefit from that ensures ease of deployment, driving down costly
maintenance expense, and creating a quick sustainable solution for the most challenging of
operational environments, “ said Adam Geisler, COO of Tribal Ready, PBC.

Beyond merely offering broadband access solutions, this united front is set to create a lasting
impact on Tribal communities, marking a substantial stride in the mission to bridge the digital
divide and protect Tribal sovereignty.


About Tribal Ready, PBC

Tribal Ready, PBC is a Native American-owned-and-governed company with decades of expertise in
communication network design and delivery to high-cost rural areas. Our team has the knowledge and
relationships vital for tribes to access broadband grant funding, as well as the trust necessary to preserve
culture and advance tribal sovereignty. We are committed advocates for tribal sovereignty, fighting for the
right to govern our own communities and benefit from access to modern technology. Our mission is to
ensure that high-speed broadband reaches every Native American individual and community.

About Wind Talker Innovations, Inc.

Wind Talker Innovations developed Osmosis, a revolutionary new spectrum agnostic software technology
that enhances network connectivity and functionality. When integrated within OEM hardware, devices
auto-discover, auto-configure in a self-architecting, self-healing, secure, unlimited, dynamic mesh
network. Data is routed in the most efficient manner through any available path, functioning even when
off-grid enabling providers to connect users and enable smart community connections to critical societal
support networks and anchor institutions. Wind Talker is dedicated to delivering solutions that change
how the world thinks about data communications. For more information about Wind Talker Innovations,

About Wavesight Limited

Wavesight is a leading provider of advanced networking solutions, specializing in wireless communication
technologies. With a diverse portfolio of innovative products and services currently deployed in 30
countries with targeted expansion into the US marketplace. Wavesight is committed to bridging the digital
divide and enabling reliable connectivity for communities around the world. Headquartered in the U.K,
Wavesight has manufacturing operations in England, Spain, Israel, and India. For more information about
Wavesight, visit

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