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Press Release -- July 17th, 2023
Source: padtec

Padtec lights up Solução Network’s DWDM networks in three Brazilian states

More than 3 thousand kilometers in length, the new networks connect the city Maringá, in Paraná, to the capitals of the states of São Paulo and Mato Grosso do Sul.

Campinas, July 17, 2023 Expand the coverage and transmission capacity of its communication networks in Paraná and Mato Grosso do Sul and also expand its operations to São Paulo. This objective motivated Solução Network, a telecommunications service provider in Paraná, to invest in the expansion of its DWDM (Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing) networks using Padtec’s 800 Gb/s transponders, which offer high data transmission capacity over short, medium and long distances with a low cost per transmitted bit.

With the new networks, the provider’s intention is to expand its service offerings and customer base in the region where it already operates and then expand its presence to the capital of São Paulo. “For this, we intend to continue counting on Padtec’s partnership, who has also helped us in planning the necessary investment to serve the market in which we operate”, says Luciano Machado, CEO of Solução Network. According to him, another important differential of the supplier is the good service and agility of its service team.

In total, there will be more than 3,000 kilometers of lit networks on three new routes. Two of them connect the municipality of Maringá, in Paraná, to the city of São Paulo, passing through the capital Curitiba and key cities in the interior of São Paulo. The third route also departs from Maringá and extends to Campo Grande, in Mato Grosso do Sul, passing through the cities of Bauru (SP) and Três Lagoas (MS).
Developed and manufactured in Brazil, Padtec’s 800 Gb/s transponders are aligned with the main trends in technology, allowing the transmission of very high data rates in terrestrial and submarine DWDM networks. “With this generation of transponders, providers optimize their operation, as it is possible to transport more traffic with a smaller amount of equipment. This reduces the cost per transmitted bit, as well as energy and space consumption, which are critical factors in telecommunications environments”, explains Argemiro Sousa, Business Director at Padtec.

About Solução Network (

Soluções Network is a telecommunications company that offers highcapacity connectivity services for companies, governments, providers and access network for corporate and residential customers.

About Padtec (

Padtec is a Brazilian multinational company that strives to bring highcapacity connections to life throughout Brazil, the Americas and around the world. From the small town to the bustling metropolis. For every person, for every type of business. With over 20 years of history, we are honored to work together with our customers to offer services capable of bringing people together. By this collaboration and living and breathing technology, we go where no one else goes. We venture to use our knowledge to design new futures and keep up with a world in constant evolution. This is our way of leveraging connections to create new realities.

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