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Press Release -- June 6th, 2024
Source: neterra

Neterra aquires two significant ISO certifications

The company has proven compliance with global standards for operational security, business continuity and sustainable energy use

Neterra, a leading global telecommunications company, secured two significant certifications: ISO/IEC 22301:2019 for Security and Resilience in Business Continuity Management Systems, and ISO/IEC 50001:2018 for Energy Management. These certifications highlight Neterra’s commitment to operational excellence, business continuity, and sustainable energy practices.

Obtaining the ISO/IEC 22301:2019 certification underscores Neterra’s rigorous approach to identifying, assessing, and mitigating risks that could potentially disrupt business operations. This standard ensures that the company has robust measures and response plans in place to address any unforeseen events, thereby safeguarding the interests of clients, stakeholders, and society at large.

As a telecommunications company, Neterra’s ability to maintain uninterrupted services is vital. This certificate shows responsibility for the reliability of services, assuring customers and partners that they can rely on their provider in any situation.

The ISO/IEC 50001:2018 certification highlights Neterra’s effective management of energy consumption, in compliance with legislative and regulatory requirements. By implementing a systematic approach to energy efficiency, Neterra is committed to reducing its carbon footprint and enhancing sustainability. This certification is a testament to the company’s continuous efforts to optimize energy use, minimize environmental impact, and contribute to a greener future.

What it means for Neterra clients and partners

Securing these certifications sends a powerful message that the company is dedicated to maintaining high operational resilience and energy efficiency standards. These achievements reinforce the reputation as a reliable, forward-thinking company prioritising sustainability and continuity. Clients can have confidence in Neterra’s ability to deliver consistent, high-quality services, while the commitment to energy management aligns with global efforts to combat climate change.

Neterra’s journey to certification

Achieving these certifications required comprehensive planning, implementation, and continuous improvement. For ISO/IEC 22301:2019, Neterra conducted thorough risk assessments, developed detailed business continuity plans, and regularly tested these plans to ensure effectiveness. For ISO/IEC 50001:2018, the company established an energy management system, set measurable targets for energy performance, and engaged in ongoing monitoring and improvement activities.

‘At Neterra, we believe in constantly getting better – it’s the foundation of everything we do. As a leader in our industry, we understand the importance of customer trust. These two new certifications are a testament to our commitment to continuous improvement. We’re dedicated to providing our customers with high-quality services while minimizing our environmental impact, both now and in the future,’ said Neven Dilkov, Founder and CEO of Neterra.

About Neterra

Neterra is an independent global communications service provider, winner of the Capacity Global Carrier Awards for “The Best Central & Eastern European Carrier 2023”. It is trusted by 9 out of 10 of the world’s largest telecoms, as well as close to 1000 global enterprises. The company has been providing international connectivity, network management services, and security for almost 30 years across its network of over 220 locations in more than 65 countries.

Neterra’s overall customer satisfaction (CSAT) rate is 88%, which is a record for the telecommunications industry, and 71% of Neterra’s customers would recommend its services to their colleagues or business partners (Net Promoter Score), which puts the company in the top 1% of the best telcos in the world.

Neterra’s service portfolio includes:

Fully managed fast and secure Internet access with 24*7 support – DIA, broadband, international connectivity, infrastructure

Data center services in 4 own Tier III data centers –

Managed IT services, dedicated servers and flexible cloud services – Neterra.Cloud

DDoS protection

Global internet exchange platform –

Satellite services – Sofia and Trakia teleport

IPTV and audio-video content distribution platform – Neterra.TV

GPS vehicle tracking system –


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