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Press Release -- March 6th, 2024
Source: AT&T

AT&T Helps Healthcare Workers Stay Connected

Joe DrygasVice President, Government, Education and Medical, AT&T

As many of us can appreciate from firsthand experience, healthcare services are moving from the hospital to the home. The trend is attributable to two important drivers – demographic shifts with a large aging population that requires more long-term care and the need to contain rapidly rising healthcare costs.

The movement to home is made possible, in part, because technology and network connectivity are advancing at a pace that is allowing sophisticated healthcare services to be delivered outside of the traditional hospital environment.

While in-home care has numerous benefits, it also brings to light significant safety concerns for healthcare workers. These professionals often have to navigate uncontrolled environments, unfamiliar neighborhoods and being alone with patients or family members who may pose a threat. The ability to get help when they need it can be the difference between a good outcome and a bad one.

Safety starts with staying connected. The security and peace of mind that comes with being connected – to your colleagues, supervisor, family, and emergency services if needed – enables better outcomes for the worker and the patient.

AT&T is committed to delivering connected solutions that enhance the safety and productivity of home healthcare professionals across the country. We offer AlertGPS, a discreet, lightweight and wearable device that is easy to use and allows workers to quickly call for help when they need it.

AlertGPS is a fully managed solution that is supported by the highly secure AT&T network. The device empowers home healthcare workers to communicate and request assistance in real-time. Whether they encounter a medical emergency or feel unsafe in a client’s home, a simple press of a button on the device can trigger an alert or designated contacts. This instant two-way communication streamlines response times and ensures timely intervention in critical situations.

Providing a work environment that prioritizes and invests in the safety of home healthcare professionals, organizations can improve retention rates and productivity, advance recruitment to promote demand, reduce turnover and lower costs across the table. It also allows us to create safer and more sustainable practices in home-based healthcare.

By recognizing the value of home healthcare workers and the services they provide, we can contribute to a connected healthcare system that meets the needs of the ever-changing healthcare landscape while also promoting the well-being of these essential workers.

To learn more about the biggest challenges facing the healthcare industry and how connected healthcare solutions can influence your healthcare organization, visit us at HIMSS, booth #2261.

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