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Press Release -- October 16th, 2023
Source: cityfibre


  • CityFibre’s second multi-platform creative campaign launched entitled: Snail no more.
  • Campaign will encourage consumers to upgrade their home broadband by switching to CityFibre’s full fibre network.
  • CityFibre’s nationwide full fibre network now passes over 3m premises.

16 October 2023, London: CityFibre, the UK’s largest independent full fibre platform, has launched its second integrated campaign highlighting the burden of using a legacy broadband network at home in 2023. The campaign will encourage consumers to upgrade their broadband by switching to CityFibre’s network, which is currently being rolled out to up to 8m UK homes.

The advert dramatises how it feels for consumers to have an unreliable and slow connection. The heart of the creative concept depicts a family wearing giant snail shells, struggling to carry out their daily tasks in the home. The shells serve as a metaphor for the burdensome nature of bad broadband and bring to life the impact of poor quality broadband.

CityFibre’s second creative campaign will include a TV advert that will run on Sky AdSmart and ITVX, targeted to residents in CityFibre’s coverage area, and will be complemented by paid digital, social, OOH, direct mail and email campaigns.

The campaign has been created by New Commercial Arts, an agency that unites brand and customer creativity to make brands more desirable and easier to buy.

CityFibre’s nationwide full fibre network rollout now passes over 3m premises and is used by over 30 consumer Internet Service Providers including Vodafone, TalkTalk and Zen to provide broadband services. As the network continues to grow and evolve, CityFibre successfully launched the UK’s first wholesale 2.5Gbps symmetrical consumer broadband earlier this year.

Dan Ramsay, Chief Marketing Officer at CityFibre said: “After the success of our first multi-platform creative campaign, we’re back and promising the public ‘snail no more’ to slow and unreliable broadband. CityFibre’s full fibre network will help homes and businesses across the country solve the burden of poor connectivity impacting everyday life. Having full fibre at home is one of the best ways to keep us better connected with friends and remove one of life’s biggest bugbears.”

Ian Heartfield, Founder and Executive Creative Director at NCA added; “A challenger brand like CityFibre needs work that punches above its weight. Work that stands out from the category.  Hence a family with snail shells on their backs, going about their painfully slow daily life due to painfully bad broadband. Until, that is, CityFibre rock up and rid them of their burdensome shells.”

The TV spot can be streamed here, and consumers interested in giving their home broadband a boost can find out more about CityFibre’s rollout, the benefits of full fibre, and register their interest to join at:


Issued on behalf of CityFibre by Weber Shandwick. For further information, interviews or images, contact

About CityFibre:

CityFibre is the UK’s largest independent full fibre infrastructure platform, providing carrier-neutral digital infrastructure to its wholesale customers and enabling ultra-fast, reliable and futureproof broadband, ethernet and 5G services to serve homes and businesses as well as schools, hospitals and GPs surgeries.

CityFibre’s full fibre network rollout programme is on track to serve up to a third of the UK by 2025; representing up to 8m homes, 800k businesses, 400k local authority sites and 250k 5G access points. CityFibre has already announced 285 cities, towns and villages that will receive a transformational digital upgrade as part of the nationwide rollout.

As the only 100% full fibre wholesale network in the UK, CityFibre is trusted by major Internet Service Providers and mobile operators including TalkTalk, Three, Vodafone and Zen as well as a new generation of smaller regional ISPs dedicated to delivering Full Fibre Broadband.

CityFibre is based in London and is owned by Antin Infrastructure Partners, Goldman Sachs Asset Management, Mubadala Investment Company and Interogo Holding.

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