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Press Release -- August 31st, 2023
Source: ncta

Small Broadband Provider Organizations Partner to Produce 2023 CyberShare Summit

Arlington, Va., (August 31, 2023)CyberShare: The Small Broadband Provider ISAC today announced ACA Connects, the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA), NTCA–The Rural Broadband Association (NTCA), the Rural Wireless Association (RWA) and WISPA–Broadband Without Boundaries will co-host the 2023 CyberShare Summit during Cybersecurity Awareness Month. This is the first time that these organizations, which serve small broadband providers across the country via a variety of technologies, have worked together to provide a forum to discuss cybersecurity best practices and the latest vulnerabilities facing network operators. The summit, like CyberShare itself, is administered by NTCA and is open to any small broadband provider, regardless of association membership or technology used to connect customers.

The CyberShare Summit will take place October 29-31 in Pittsburgh, Pa. During the summit, CISA will host a half-day cybersecurity tabletop exercise where attendees will participate in threat simulation and work collaboratively in small groups to determine action steps and response plans. The program will also include an unclassified threat briefing by the FBI and a session focused on new cybersecurity requirements included in the Broadband Equity, Access and Deployment (BEAD) program.

“CyberShare and the CyberShare Summit exist to give small broadband provides a way to share threat information and best practices with peers across the industry and government,” said NTCA General Counsel and Vice President of Policy Jill Canfield. “We all play an important role in improving our cybersecurity postures, which is why we are excited that our partners from across the broadband industry are joining us to host this year’s summit. Protecting networks and customers’ personal information from cyberattacks is one of the top priorities of small broadband providers, and it is critical they have the knowledge necessary to analyze and mitigate threats.”

“ACA Connects is delighted to once again join as co-host of the prestigious 2023 CyberShare Summit. This collaborative endeavor reflects ACA Connects’ commitment to enhancing cybersecurity protections and promoting awareness within the industry. This key event will highlight best practices and empower participants to navigate the ever-evolving landscape of cybersecurity. ACA Connects looks forward with our partners to contributing to the success of this important summit and advancing the cause of cybersecurity,” ACA Connects President and CEO Grant Spellmeyer said.

“Preparedness and innovation are key to staying ahead of evolving cyberthreats,” said NRECA Chief Operating Officer Jeffrey Connor. “America’s electric cooperatives work together to manage growing threats, promote continuous improvement, and develop solutions that keep the electric grid secure and bring high-speed broadband to rural America. The CyberShare Summit will enhance ongoing work and share best practices while also staying vigilant and prepared.”

“During this time of ever increasing cyberthreats, it is all the more critical that we join together as an industry to share best practices for small broadband operators to protect their networks, data, and customers’ information.” NTCA CEO Shirley Bloomfield said. “NTCA is proud to co-host the CyberShare Summit again this year during Cybersecurity Awareness Month and will continue working to provide NTCA members with resources to enhance their cybersecurity posture and resiliency.”

“Cybersecurity risk management and supply chain risk management are receiving intense scrutiny by the federal government and are now tied to receiving federal funding for broadband deployment regardless of the technology used,” noted Carri Bennet, General Counsel to the Rural Wireless Association. “The CyberShare Summit is a great opportunity to educate RWA members about the need to have these complex risk management plans in place and RWA is pleased to co-host this important event for the third year in a row.”

“Our operator members deliver essential connectivity to millions of Americans in rural, under-resourced and Tribal areas of the country, making them vital parts of our information ecosystem,” said WISPA Vice President of Policy, Louis Peraertz. “We’re excited to co-host the CyberShare Summit so that WISPs and other providers, who serve the most challenging areas to deploy broadband, understand and then put into practical use the latest cybersecurity best practices, which will help the entire communications landscape remain safe from known and emerging cyber threats.”     

For more information about the CyberShare Summit and to register, click here.


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