Love your network. Love your phone. Get up to $800 toward that new 5G phone with select trade-in and select 5G Unlimited plans.1

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What’s the deal: Choose the new 5G phone you want. For a limited time, Verizon is giving you up to $800 to get a new 5G smartphone when you trade in select old phones and switch to Verizon, or add a new line, with a select 5G Unlimited plan.
Why it’s awesome: Regardless of whether you pair your new phone with one of our stellar Mix & Match plans or go all in with the new One Unlimited for iPhone plan, Verizon has the perfect plan and phone to meet your needs.
Not quite ready to switch? Fear not. Now you can experience Verizon’s amazing network performance and unlimited premium data on Verizon’s 5G network for 30 days for free,2 without disrupting your existing service. Simply download the My Verizon app (iOS or Android) on your unlocked phone and start your Free Trial today.
For more deals, visit or one of our stores.
1 Eligible phones: iPhone 14 (128 GB only) or Samsung Galaxy S23 (128 GB only). Up to $799.99 device payment or full retail purchase w/new smartphone line on 5G Do More, 5G Play More, 5G Get More or One Unlimited for iPhone (all lines on account req’d on plan) plan req’d. Less up to $800 trade-in/promo credit applied over 36 mos.; promo credit ends if eligibility req’s are no longer met; 0% APR. Trade-in conditions apply.
2 Verizon Free Trial includes domestic calling only. No international service or add-on features. One Free Trial per SIM. Offer limited to non-VZW subscribers with unlocked device with eSIM. Service ends at the end of the Free Trial unless you subscribe for full service.
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