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Press Release -- April 17th, 2023
Source: veea

AT&T Mexico Adds New Allies to Their 5G Innovation Lab to Develop Uses Cases for Private Networks

In Alliance with Qualcomm, Celona, Axity and Veea, the company has started technological testing private networks within the 5G Innovation Lab that AT&T has located in Mexico City.  

Mexico City, April 17, 2023. From September 2021 to January 2022, the implementation of 748 private networks was recorded, representing a 43%[1] increase, and demonstrating the relevance that these networks will have in the new industry transformation.

AT&T Mexico, in Alliance with Qualcomm, Celona, Axity and Veea has begun technological testing on private networks in AT&T’s 5G Innovation Lab with the goal of developing use cases that help accelerate their adoption within the country’s industries.

“The goal of the 5G Innovation Lab is to develop tests and use cases that will help accelerate Mexico’s adoption of private networks which will benefit national industries”, states Arturo Barraza, Director of the 5G Innovation Lab. “For this reason, we’ve begun to make use of the cutting-edge technology that Qualcomm, Celona, Axity and Veea have developed.”

This connectivity solution represents an advance for the dubbed industry 4.0 in the country, as the private networks have benefits such as reduced latency and increased predictability while the companies have reliable and secure broadband connectivity.

“At Qualcomm, we specialize in the development of 5G by creating a technological ecosystem that shapes the new era of connectivity in Mexico’s private networks,” remarks Juvenal González, Country Manager of Qualcomm México. “We are committed and ecstatic to collaborate with AT&T Mexico with the vision of completely displaying and revolutionizing the industries through use cases that benefit the sectors by optimizing a secure, stable and low latency connectivity.”

AT&T Mexico has established a successful operation utilizing the new 5G New Radio system and LAN developed by Celona and Veea, whose validation includes the use of new exterior and interior access points as well as wired and wireless endpoints. This technological innovation helps enable multiple protocols and digital links, which in turn contributes to the development of new use cases.

“In any private 5G network deployment, enterprise users desire a “plug and play” network solution that seamlessly and securely discovers and connects to all fixed and wireless devices,” said Allen Salmasi, CEO of Veea. “Given the plethora of legacy IoT sensors and other non-5G endpoints within enterprises, jointly with Celona, we have developed a unified network solution that enables Celona’s 5G core network orchestrator to pair with our VeeaHub® edge devices to effortlessly manage the workloads, which substantially streamlines deployment and maintenance of private 5G/IoT networks while providing for network micro-slicing of all endpoints. We are thrilled to demonstrate this capability in AT&T Mexico’s 5G Innovation Lab along with Celona, Qualcomm and Axity.”

“We’re very excited to begin technological testing within the 5G Innovation Lab. The objective of Axity, as an end-to-end integrator, is to add significant value to Qualcomm, Celona and Veea solutions through use cases such as IoT and advances communications for the manufacturing and retail industry which attracts world-class customers,” adds Domingo Rodriguez Camaaño, Director of Telecommunications at Axity.

“Our work with AT&T Mexico, Qualcomm, Veea and Axity reflects the transformative impact that private networks can offer to enterprises throughout the world,” concludes Sanjeet Pandit, Vice President of Global Relations with Operators and Ecosystems at Celona. “Together we’re breaking down the barriers to adopt this innovative technology, provided in an end-to-end solution in order to power a new era of applications that, can dynamically run from the edge to the cloud with orchestration, which requires deterministic connectivity to deliver the widest range of solutions for the 4.0 industry.”

These private networks tests seek to enhance and develop a range of applications for the use cases along with secure connectivity between devices that will allow industries to improve their processes, for example, through cameras that will allow the manufacturing and logistics industry to monitor and have better quality control of their products, quicker access to data and autonomous robots within warehouses, etc.

[1] Powering digital aspirations with private 5G networks, Deloitte, 23 de junio 2022

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