If you are curious about the strategic match between Ericsson and the recently acquired enterprise-focused cloud communications leader Vonage, then you’ll be interested to hear what Ericsson CTO, Erik Ekudden, and Vonage Chief Strategy Officer, Vinod Lala, had to say when they sat down to discuss the future.

Vonage Chief Strategy Officer, Vinod Lala, and Ericsson CTO, Erik Ekudden.
In the latest Ericsson CTO Focus Session, the two thought leaders cover all the main strategic points in just ten minutes, including: the Communications Platform as a Service (CPaaS) market and how to expand it; new use cases and opportunities to enhance consumer and enterprise experiences; how communications service providers can monetize existing network investments through service exposure Application Programming Interfaces (APIs); and the opportunities that will open up for developers to expand their innovation toolkit with global scale.
Watch the CTO Focus Session via this link.
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