MiCTA members get access to Verizon technologies that will help state and local governments modernize systems and improve citizen engagement
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SAGINAW, MICH. – Verizon Public Sector and the Michigan Collegiate Telecommunications Association (MiCTA), a national nonprofit organization that serves more than 8,000 members in higher education, K-12, health care, library, governmental and charitable entities, have expanded their relationship to enable MiCTA members to more easily and efficiently access Verizon’s comprehensive suite of communications solutions.
Nationally, MiCTA negotiates discounted purchase contracts for telecommunications and technology services, provides legislative advocacy and information support for its members.The expansion of the Verizon Public Sector agreement will help MiCTA’s members modernize their communications infrastructure by providing a streamlined procurement process to purchase a broad range of technology services and solutions uniquely tailored for the public sector including: contact center and digital experience solutions, professional services, cloud-based communications offerings and security and network services.
MiCTA members can now access everything from scalable Verizon solutions that enable remote work, control costs and automate processes, to comprehensive services to secure data and assets. The relationship with Verizon also supports the implementation of advanced tools such as virtual contact centers, secure cloud interconnect and cloud-based hosted appliances, private IP and more.
“The nation’s state, local government agencies and educational institutions deserve every advantage when it comes to improving citizen engagement and experience and enabling students to stay connected,” said Patty Roze, Vice President of SLED for Verizon Public Sector. “When MiCTA members have access to the nation’s most reliable 5G network, cutting-edge technologies and improved security solutions, there are huge benefits to the communities that MiCTA’s members serve.”
“The expanded relationship highlights one of many compelling benefits for MiCTA members, who can use its purchasing power to accelerate time-to-market through simplified technology contracts and MiCTA’s collaborative request-for-proposal process,” said Tim von Hoff, Chief Executive Officer of MiCTA. “Verizon offers our members a superior combination of technology, service, expertise and value.”
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