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Press Release -- October 5th, 2022
Source: broadband-forum

Two new 5G transport specifications help support demanding 5G applications

Technical specifications from Broadband Forum address 5G transport networks and networking slicing

Fremont, California, 5 October 2022: Newly released architecture gives service providers the framework needed to deliver high-performing transport networks that can power demanding 5G applications.

Broadband Forum has released its technical report 5G Transport Architecture and Requirements (TR-521) that gives recommendations for architecture and equipment requirements to provide transport networks suitable for supporting 5G mobile radio access network (RAN).

A 5G transport network interconnects a 5G RAN and provides connectivity to the 5G mobile core network.

Various technologies can be deployed to support new 5G use cases within the 5G transport network. Among these are proven technologies such as Ethernet, Ethernet VPN (as specified in prior Broadband Forum work such as TR-350, TR-224, and TR-221), as well as emerging technologies from Broadband Forum partners such as IEEE 802, ITU-T SG15 and IETF.

“5G cannot perform without the support of well founded transport networks.  These transport networks must be prepared to support the vast number of use cases and services that can be realized with 5G with features including higher capacity, enhanced performance, and high reliability,” said David Sinicrope, Broadband Forum’s Access and Transport Architecture (ATA) Work Area Director. “The publication of TR-521 provides a functional reference architecture, and equipment requirements for transport networks supporting 5G fronthaul and backhaul. It benefits both operators in specifying what is expected of the transport equipment they procure and transport equipment vendors in deciding what to implement and how it will be used.”

Broadband Forum has also released the specification, Mobile – Transport Network Slice Instance Management Interfaces (MMI) (TR-522) to address, as the name suggests, transport network slice management interfaces.

5G end-to-end slicing facilitates multiple logical self-contained networks on top of a common physical infrastructure platform.  In realizing a 5G end-to-end slice, the 3GPP management system needs to be aligned with the corresponding transport network management to ensure that the desired performance, functionality and connectivity is fulfilled.

TR-522 addresses the interfaces between 3GPP Management System and the Transport Network Managers helping to provide this alignment. Specifically, the work defines interfaces to support the configuration, assurance, monitoring and reconfiguration of 5G network slices in 5G networks.

Both specifications, along with accompanying Market Reports (MR-521.1 and MR-522) which explain the motivation for the work, have been completed by Broadband Forum’s Mobile Transport and Routing Project Stream within the Access & Transport Architecture (ATA) Work Area.  The Mobile Transport and Routing Project Stream is responsible for the Forum’s mobile transport and routing architectural work, including the control, management, and data planes. These architectures leverage new industry technology and practices, while protecting the investment in deployed networks.

For the full technical reports, visit:

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Broadband Forum is the communications industry’s leading open standards development organization focused on accelerating broadband innovation, standards, and ecosystem development. Our members’ passion – delivering on the promise of broadband by enabling smarter and faster broadband networks and a thriving broadband ecosystem.

Broadband Forum is an open, non-profit industry organization composed of the industry’s leading broadband operators, vendors, thought leaders who are shaping the future of broadband, and observers who closely track our progress. Its work to date has been the foundation for broadband’s global proliferation and innovation. For example, the Forum’s flagship TR-069 CPE WAN Management Protocol has nearly 1 billion installations worldwide.

Broadband Forum’s projects span across 5G, Connected Home, Cloud, and Access. Its working groups collaborate to define best practices for global networks, enable new revenue-generating service and content delivery, establish technology migration strategies, and engineer critical device, service & development management tools in the home and business IP networking infrastructure. We develop multi-service broadband packet networking specifications addressing architecture, device and service management, software data models, interoperability and certification in the broadband market.

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