April 8, 2021, New York – MetTel, a digital transformation and communications leader, today announced it has successfully completed the Trusted Internet Connection (TIC) Assessment and Authorization process and is now authorized to provide Managed Trusted Internet Protocol Service (MTIPS) to federal government agencies on the MetTel network.
MetTel is among the most advanced in network security to be sanctioned by the General Services Administration (GSA) as part of the Enterprise Infrastructure Solutions (EIS) contract and the only non-incumbent EIS vendor to build its own MTIPS infrastructure. MetTel received its Authority to Operate (ATO) from the GSA and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) following the lengthy and detailed assessment.
MTIPS provides security for agencies’ Internet traffic and delivers many critical cybersecurity features and solutions for end users. MTIPS is specifically designed to reduce the number of federal agency internet connections needed, thereby increasing security, monitoring capability and control, and reducing the .gov domain’s attack surface.
MetTel’s security partner on the EIS contract is Raytheon, the DHS prime contractor for the Network Security Deployment Division (NSD). Raytheon is instrumental in providing the detailed continuous security monitoring services necessary to protect agency cyber assets for NSD.
“The GSA recognized the MetTel team’s capability to provide MTIPS security services with a modern and modular structure that will provide new benefits for agencies,” said Robert Dapkiewicz, senior vice president and general manager, MetTel Federal. “The constant attempt by cybercriminals to penetrate government websites is showing no sign of slowing down. We’re proud to be able to help agencies fortify their networks with our MTIPS solution.”
This MTIPS solution is built with the most current, industry leading security products on the market including key security components such as network intrusion detection systems, hosted DNS sink holing, email scanning and filtering, all reporting in real time to a security operations center (SOC) for agency protection across transport services from the agency wide area network (WAN) to TIC portals.
MetTel’s MTIPS authorization will contribute to MetTel’s expanding Federal practice. In 2020, MetTel received 12 GSA EIS contract awards totaling over $1.3B. Agencies awards include the Social Security Administration, General Services Administration, and the Department of Homeland Security. In addition, contract awards from the Department of Homeland Security’s Federal Emergency Management Agency, Department of the Treasury’s US Mint and the Veterans Affairs National Local Exchange Carrier.
About MetTel
MetTel is a leader in communications and digital transformation (DX) solutions for enterprise customers. By converging all communications over a proprietary network, MetTel gives enterprises one, unified view and control point for all their communications and advanced network services. MetTel’s comprehensive portfolio of customer solutions can boost enterprise productivity, reduces costs and simplifies operations.
Combining customized and managed communication solutions with a powerful platform of cloud-based software, the company’s MetTel Portal® enables customers to manage their inventory, usage, spend and repairs from one simple, user friendly interface. For more information visit www.mettel.net, follow us on Twitter (@OneMetTel) and on LinkedIn, or call us directly at 877.963.8663. MetTel. Connect Smarter.™
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