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Press Release -- August 7th, 2020

Bandwidth and Comcast partner on STIR/SHAKEN to reduce robocalling

Tricia McConnell
August 5, 2020





In an effort to protect both consumers and businesses from robocalling and malicious phone number spoofing practices, Bandwidth and Comcast have partnered to deliver authenticated calls between their networks, adhering to the Secure Telephone Identity (STIR) and Signature-based Handling of Asserted Information toKENs (SHAKEN) frameworks.
To understand the importance of the Bandwidth/Comcast partnership, it’s essential to understand what STIR/SHAKEN is. We have in-depth articles about the process (linked below), so we’ll keep it short and sweet here.
STIR is a working group within the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), an open standards organization which develops and promotes Internet standards. As such, STIR produces internet standards that form the basis of what is referred to as STIR/SHAKEN.
SHAKEN defines the extensions and industry framework for the deployment and interworking of the technology in service provider networks. There’s a lot of technical jargon, but fundamentally, the STIR/SHAKEN framework allows providers to gather and deliver necessary information the carriers need to ensure that numbers aren’t being spoofed.
A commitment to reduce robocalling
The partnership between Bandwidth and Comcast is part of the industry’s continued commitment to reducing the types of robocalls that both consumers and businesses frequently cite as a source of frustration.
“The interoperability established between Comcast and Bandwidth is part of our ongoing commitment to reduce robocalling and its negative impact on consumers and legitimate business communications,” said Scott Mullen, CTO at Bandwidth.
Chris Wendt, Director of Technical Research & Development, IP Communications Services, Comcast Cable said it best: “We are excited to have the opportunity to work with partners like Bandwidth to combat fraudulent robocalling and make a meaningful difference in the lives of millions of people. Interoperability partnerships like this one are critical to ensuring that telephone users get the full benefit of this technology.”

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