Welcome to AT&T Summer Camp
For kids across the country, summer camp is something to look forward to all year long. It’s a time when they connect with friends, try new things, discover untapped talents and grow as individuals. This summer, we’re reimagining the summer camp experience.
Introducing AT&T Summer Camp.
AT&T Summer Camp features free activities, curated from a variety of nonprofits, that engage kids in learning new skills. Kids will be able to cultivate their writing skills with 826 National, code their own games with Scratch and submit videos to Reel Works’ Reel Viral Challenge. And AT&T Summer Camp isn’t just for kids. The whole family can enjoy the experience as every activity will be paired with a WarnerMedia show or movie that brings the activity to life in an entertaining way. A different AT&T Summer Camp activity and entertainment pairing will be spotlighted each week on social media.
While we know this summer will be different than normal, families should still have access to the camp experience. AT&T Summer Camp builds on our Distance Learning & Family Connections Fund, created to give families the tools and connections they need for at-home learning. To support AT&T Summer Camp, we’re contributing more than $5 million to organizations that engage kids in subjects including literacy, STEM, filmmaking and more.
Beginning this week, and every Wednesday through August, follow @ATTimpact to get the latest AT&T Summer Camp activities and share your family’s experiences using #ATTSummerCamp.
6/19: Week 1 of AT&T Summer Camp focuses on standing for equality and features social studies activities from Wide Open School and resources for families about race and racism from Common Sense Media. We’re also spotlighting content that can help families have a conversation about these important topics, like the CNN Sesame Street town hall for kids and families on racism, Great Big Story’s video series honoring 70 years of human rights, or Warner Media’s “Just Mercy” film about attorney Bryan Stevenson’s fight for civil rights.
6/26: Week 2 of AT&T Summer Camp’s theme is “Imagine & Build”. Join the Cardboard Challenge co-hosted by AT&T, Imagination.org, and Two Bit Circus Foundation. Need inspiration? Check out the stories of creative problem solvers changing how we recycle or of David Aguilar’s design of a prosthetic arm made of LEGO all from Great Big Story. And watch Emmet and his friends change the universe with their creations in The LEGO Movie.

7/1: Week 3’s theme is “Extra! Extra! Read All About It!” Everyone has a story to tell and we want to read yours. Use 826 Digital’s remote learning kit to set the scene, develop your character, and unlock your imagination. Or submit an article to Six Feet of Separation, a virtual newspaper by kids and for kids. Learn about the powerful role journalism has played in history with Warner Bros.’ All the President’s Men.

7/8: We’re having a dance off! Code your own dance party with Code.org or check out their other at-home coding resources. Share your dance party with us on social media using #ATTSummerCamp. Then keep the party going and groove along to the unstoppable beats of Hairspray, available on HBO Max.

7/15: Lights, Camera, Action! This week at AT&T Summer Camp, we’re exploring filmmaking, an especially powerful tool to raise voices, to define moments and to connect communities. Create a video on how it feels to be connected right now and submit it to Ghetto Film School’s Film Credits challenge. Or submit a video to Reel Works’ #ReelViralChallenge showing a positive way to cure boredom at home.
Then watch the classic film The Wizard of Oz – inducted in the National Film Registry for being “culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant”. Want to learn more about movies? Watch CNN’s original series “The Movies” or Great Big Story’s “The Movies Then and Now”.

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