Think back to a time when you were waiting to hear about something that could change the trajectory of your life – a college application, a job offer, your first internship. Do you remember how you felt opening that letter or email? Do you remember the joy you felt when you accomplished what you worked so hard to achieve?
We’re all experiencing a roller coaster of emotions as a result of the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, and college students are no different. Today, thousands are realizing the summer internships they were counting on are no longer available. They’re wondering whether they’ll still graduate on time, and they’re contemplating the impact COVID-19 will have on their careers.
To help these students, we’re launching the AT&T Summer Learning Academy. Our hope is that this program provides an environment where students can continue to grow and prepare for life after graduation.
The AT&T Summer Learning Academy is a free, self-paced online learning certificate program powered by our award-winning AT&T University curriculum. The unpaid “externship” is designed to support more than 100,000 students on the AT&T University platform. And, while the content is in English, it’s available to students located anywhere in the world, as long as they can access the site.
We’ve created a curriculum that includes professional development and business acumen coursework that will benefit students well into the future. Students will have the opportunity to hear from speakers like Stedman Graham, Molly Bloom (author of Molly’s Game) and General Thomas Kolditz.
Ultimately, our goal is to help students obtain a certificate that meets some of their professional experience requirements, and we’re discussing that possibility with a number of universities.
Starting today, college students can register to participate in the AT&T Summer Learning Academy. The online program launches on June 22 and runs for 4 weeks.
We look forward to welcoming students from around the globe to the AT&T Summer Learning Academy!
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