OKLAHOMA CITY – Dobson Technologies’ fiber-optic
5G, the fifth generation of wireless technology, gives consumers access to more information quicker. While 5G itself is a wireless technology, it requires an underlying fiber infrastructure to transmit the type of high bandwidth necessary from the edge devices, known as small cells, back to the core network.
“We are excited to be the enabler for a major carrier’s 5G Small Cell deployment,” says Francisco Maella, CEO of Dobson Technologies. “The requirements for 5G rely heavily upon fiber network carriers like Dobson to meet the bandwidth-intensive data demands,” adds Maella.
“Small Cells are being deployed on a massive scale throughout the country. Dobson is proud to play a role in that 5G evolution, delivering purpose-built, dark fiber solutions to wireless carriers,” says Ryan Lahmann, Sr. Vice President of Carrier Sales.
Dobson Technologies owns and operates a 3,700-mile regional fiber-optic network and provides connectivity services including high-speed internet, data and cloud connectivity, voice over internet telephone solutions, and managed IT services. Dobson Technologies is an Oklahoma-based and privately-owned technology company. To learn more visit dobson.net.
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