Interconnection between Paris and Marseille exchange points delivers simple and affordable access to the global France-IX community for direct peering members
Paris and Marseille, France – July 9, 2019 – France-IX, the premier Internet Peering Service Provider in France, today announced that six weeks after the launch of its PASS Service it has experienced a high level of interest from its member community with 75 percent of potential demand signed up already.
“We are always looking for the best possible interconnections with the major Internet players and we have to go, always, further to serve our customers better – literally,” says Ferdinand Chevrant-Breton, Director and co-founder of moji. “We were seduced by the advantages of the PASS service: its affordable price, its record implementation time and the simple access to new unique peers, as well as the resilient access to existing critical peers. With a port speed of 100G, we are entering a new peering dimension.”
The new Peering as a Supplementary Service – PASS – is a fully secured transport service and peering privileges solution that enables IXP members, directly connected at one France-IX location – Paris or Marseille – to benefit from simple, fast and affordable access to community members that peer at the other. This means that, without needing a physical port in the other city, a direct peering member at either Marseille or Paris gains access and peering privileges with more than fifteen unique networks in Marseille or over 350 unique networks in Paris. The highly resilient interconnection service enables France-IX to achieve an RTD (round-trip delay) lower than twelve milliseconds making Marseille even closer for France-IX Paris members who wish to expand there and facilitate content access across Africa, the Middle-East and Asia.
“This rapid uptake of our PASS Service is testament to our ability to provide innovative solutions that make France-IX the best choice for peering in Europe,” said Simon Muyal, Chief Technical Officer at France-IX. “Our mission at France-IX is to provide Internet networks with simple, reliable, trusted, fair and competitive interconnection services in France, in full neutrality and financial independence, and to continue to develop a multi-service and international interconnection platform to increase the agility and the affordability of communications services.”
About the France-IX PASS Service
The PASS Service is available is available to France-IX members who have a direct peering port in just one IXP location, Paris or Marseille. Members do not need a new cross-connect or a new port, as their existing peering port is the unique point of access for all their France-IX traffic, local and remote. The service is available on all peering ports: 1, 10 or 100 GE in the 12 France-IX PoPs and access is provided through a transport solution managed by France-IX, which aims at a service availability in line with France-IX standards (>99.995% per year, per city). Traffic is guaranteed up to the total contracted traffic subscription. There is no constraint on how much traffic one member can send locally or remotely. The only constraint is the limit of the contracted traffic subscription (total for the two cities). PASS is configured as an additional peering LAN, distinct from the local peering LAN so that every member can separate its traffic and technical operations. Once ordered, provisioning is ultra-fast, and members are not required to wait months for equipment and network deployment. The service is in production in a matter of days and can be ceased at any time, having no minimum contract duration, providing members with an agile and flexible solution at only an additional 15-25 percent on the current recurring cost for an existing member.
The PASS Service cannot be subscribed by networks connected through France-IX resellers and remote IX partners. For more information, please visit the PASS Service Pricing page on France-IX’s website.
About France-IX
France-IX is the Premier Internet Peering Service Provider in France, offering public and private interconnection services through its carrier and data centre neutral exchange points in Paris and Marseille.
France-IX interconnects several hundreds of telecommunications carriers, ISPs, content providers, content delivery networks and all other Internet networks worldwide with significant traffic in the Internet French market. This enhances the affordability and latency of the Internet traffic exchanged between its members and thus improves the overall quality of the Internet in France.
Founded in June 2010 with the support of the French Internet community, France-IX is a member-based association whose core values are neutrality, sustainability and constant improvement of the Internet. For more information go to France-IX website
Media contacts
AxiCom for France-IX
Mary Burtt
+44 (0) 20 7559 5636
Akéla Bendjeddou
+33 (0)1 86 95 61 94
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