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Press Release -- May 1st, 2019
Source: Ericsson

China Telecom and Ericsson sign 5G MoU

Ericsson and China Telecom to accelerate the development of commercial 5G

City view Beijing, China
Signed at China Unicom’s 5G Innovation and Cooperation Conference in Shenzhen, China, on April 26, the agreement strengthens the strategic partnership between the companies. The China Telecom MoU is Ericsson’s forty-fifth announced service provider 5G partnership.

Ericsson has embarked on in-depth cooperation on a 5G test network with China Telecom. In addition to testing the technical networking scheme, the partners have completed innovative 5G projects, such as the live 4K HD broadcast of a marathon; live 8K HD broadcast of the Women’s World Club Volleyball Championship; 360 degree panoramic live broadcasting, and driving demos.

The agreement was signed by Luca Orsini, Head of Networks, Market Area North East Asia, Ericsson, and Liu Guiqing, Deputy General Manager, China Telecom.


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