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Press Release -- November 8th, 2018
Source: Huawei

Huawei’s New Hosting Center Accelerates IoT Business Development across Europe

[Rome, Italy, November 8, 2018] Huawei today launch a multi-tenant Internet of Things(IoT) Hosting Center on their flagship event, ECO-Connect Europe. This IoT Hosting center is designed to incubate local digital ecosystems and accelerate IoT business development in line with the company’s vision to bring digital to every person, home, and organization to build a fully connected, intelligent world.

The Hosting Center is a one-stop solution, deployed, maintained and operated by Huawei. It is based on an established global partner ecosystem and pre-defined services catalogue including technical and marketing support and business cooperation.

IoT Hosting Center solutions are flexibly deployed, diverse and cost-efficient, and ensure tailored solutions for a variety of clients. In addition, Huawei’s global network deployment and operational experience will guarantee a consistent, seamless service for large multinational companies using the solutions.

Shi Mao, the CMO of Huawei WEU region, emphasis the value of IoT hosting center: “The IoT Hosting Center and ecosystem strategy is aimed at accelerating digital transformation by bringing Huawei’s global IoT experience and partnerships to bear locally, through empowered cloud. The IoT Hosting Center is, in essence, a technology and business platform that will benefit all parties: operator, developer, incubator and enterprises.”

The Center is specifically designed for IoT and embraces NB-IoT and future expansion through 5G. Hence, it provides wide coverage and supports a high number of connections and, at the device end, is low cost and consumes minimum power.

NB-IoT is the first cellular network with the capability for large-scale IoT, and is optimized for LPWA (Low Power Wide Area) applications like smart metering, smart street lighting, and tracking in logistics. For operators, it is recognized as the best route into the IoT market.

With the help of worldwide Open Labs and Joint Innovation Centers, global ecosystems are combined with local ecosystems here in Europe, providing customized solutions as well as fresh business and service value for operators and industrial customers.

During the event, Huawei IoT hosting center partners have shown their newest product portfolio and pre-integrated solution. These partners include suntront (Smart Meter Solution), DataEgg (Smart logistic Tracker ), Evreka (Smart Waste Management), Communithings (Smart Parking), Hothink(Smart Smoke detector), Lierdas(Smart logistic Tracker ), Digicom (Smart Parking) and Digitalkeys (Smart locks).

Furthermore, Huawei Hosting Center will have access to the Huawei inTouch Market which brings together a global network of operators and IoT solution partners to offer revenue-ready relationships and industry solutions which accelerate TTM and reduce technical and business risk.

For more information, please visit partners websites:









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