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Press Release -- May 25th, 2018
Source: Verizon

Verizon Weekly News: the “Stars and Stripes Forever” edition

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Remembering the men and women who gave the ultimate sacrifice for the USA . . . our new ad salutes Military Appreciation Month . . . 16 military moms get tech makeovers . . . making a big donation to the Wounded Warriors Project . . . and Military Friendly® says Verizon is the #1 company

May 25, 2018

Welcome to the first edition of Verizon Weekly News. Every week, we’ll bring you relevant news about Verizon, our businesses, people, partners, competitive landscape and products & services.

This first edition hits at the end of May – the traditional beginning of summer. But it has additional meaning for many of us, at the close of Military Appreciation Month. We celebrated Military Moms, supported Wounded Warriors Project and starting tonight are airing a new spot recognizing veterans. (You can get a sneak peek of the tear-jerking new spot in the “Thank you for your service” story below.)

We break the stories into a few from national and international media, then following with more local news. Often we’ll deliver stories on a wide variety of hot topics, though this week we’ve got a clear focus on Military Appreciation Month activities. All our local stories here are from the very cool #VZMilitaryMoms effort, where we partnered with great leaders in that community to celebrate 16 military moms with $1,000 tech makeovers.

All that, plus Lowell McAdam discusses the future of Verizon (hint: 5G plays a featured role) with YahooFinance.

Hope you enjoy the read, and I sure welcome your feedback. Thanks!

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Albuquerque, NM_644x362

Thank you for your service

As Military Appreciation Month comes to a close, Verizon is paying tribute to all those who have served our country with this new video, in partnership with Wounded Warrior Project.

Verizon in the National and International News

Yahoo! Finance
New York, NY
May 21, 2018

Tami Erwin LinkedIn
Basking Ridge, NJ
May 18, 2018

USA Today
New York, NY
May 20, 2018

Verizon in the Local News

Nothing But Room Blog
San Antonio, TX
May 13, 2018

Annapolis, MD
May 17, 2018

Chicago, IL
May 18, 2018

Hudson, FL
May 20, 2018

Irvine, CA
May 21, 2018

Denver, CO
May 22, 2018

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About the Author:

Jeffrey Nelson leads external comms for Verizon businesses. PR strategy guy. Loves politics, tech, tennis and people who support #LGBTQ young people.  

The use of third party company names and trademarks are for informational purposes only and do not imply third party endorsement, sponsorship or affiliation, or that Verizon is authorized to promote the third party.

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