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Press Release -- April 4th, 2017
Source: CenturyLink

CenturyLink Foundation awards $1.4 million in technology grants across 34 states

MONROE, La., April 4, 2017 /PRNewswire/ — CenturyLink, Inc. (NYSE:CTL, news, filings) today announced that more than 300 projects will be funded as part of the CenturyLink Clarke M. Williams Foundation’s 2016-2017 Teachers and Technology grant program. The program, which began in 2008, awards grants of up to $5,000 per project to schools in CenturyLink’s local service areas on behalf of pre-K through 12th grade teachers who have developed plans to innovatively implement technology in their classrooms. Grant recipients will be notified between April 1 and May 15.

“CenturyLink is dedicated to enhancing the communities it serves in a meaningful way and we are excited to award technology-focused grants throughout our local operating territory,” said Kristy LaCroix, community relations manager for CenturyLink. “We recognize the importance of introducing young people to science, technology, engineering and math, or STEM, concepts to better prepare them for successful careers and to build a pipeline of skilled employees for the future.”

Across the United States, more than 2,300 grant applications were submitted and 309 were awarded based on the impact they will have on students in the classroom and the overall innovation of the project. CenturyLink service is neither required nor considered in the review of applications.

“STEM competencies help prepare students to be critical thinkers, persevere through challenges to achieve success, communicate and collaborate across real and perceived barriers, and solve complex problems,” said Maxine Moreau, CenturyLink’s president of consumer markets. “A highly trained workforce is a key factor to our success as a company and as a nation.”

The Teachers and Technology program supports the company’s key objective to improve its customers’ lives by connecting them to the power of the digital world.

Examples of the types of projects selected include:

Virtual Reality

  • This project integrates a virtual reality platform allowing students to go on teacher-led virtual reality field trips. There are more than 450 expeditions available where students can explore different cultures and societies, events throughout history, natural wonders, classic works of art, oceans and even outer space.

Increasing Learning Opportunities for Students with Challenges

  • Using a mix of tablets, adaptive equipment and other portable devices, this project focuses on students with multiple disabilities who face unique challenges in a traditional learning environment. Assistive technologies allow these students to participate in activities once unavailable to them whether they have a visual or hearing impairment, motor skill challenges or numerous other cognitive or developmental conditions.

3-D Sandbox

  • This educational tool incorporates technology to help students better understand topography with contour lines shown on a land form. The box can display natural events such as erosion, watersheds, coastal changes and other events than can change the surface of the Earth.

A complete list of winners will be posted in the CenturyLink Newsroom by May 16.

About the CenturyLink Foundation
CenturyLink’s vision is to improve the lives of our customers by connecting them to the power of the digital world. CenturyLink extends this vision through the CenturyLink Clarke M. Williams Foundation, a 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to contributing to endeavors that improve the well-being and overall quality of life for people throughout CenturyLink’s communities. Named after CenturyLink’s founder Clarke M. Williams, the Foundation is endowed by CenturyLink to support community initiatives that encourage our employees to use their time, talents and resources to strengthen the communities in which they live and work.

SOURCE CenturyLink, Inc.

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