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Press Release -- March 29th, 2017
Source: ttk

TransTeleCom has shifted all international backbone traffic to Long Haul (DWDM)

Moscow, Russia — March 29, 2017 — TransTeleCom (TTK), one of Russia’s largest communications service providers, has completed the shift of all international backbone traffic to a Long Haul DWDM network. TransTeleCom’s ultra-modern network ensures safe traffic for thousands of kilometers with a small number of regeneration points* and minimal round trip delay. The company already holds nearly 20 % of the global data transmission market between China and Europe, which is half the transit traffic market through Russia.

TransTeleCom’s Long Haul DWDM is a transnational network 20,000 km long, with capacity of up to 80 optical channels with bandwidth of 100G each. The technology significantly increases the volume of traffic transmitted through one spectral channel.

The project to build a Long Haul DWDM transport network based on TransTeleCom’s backbone infrastructure has been implemented with equipment from the world’s leading vendors. Advanced telecommunications equipment has made it possible to build the world’s longest non-regenerated transmission span in land line networks — more than 4,000 km. This is the length of the redundant route from St. Petersburg to Omsk.

TransTeleCom’s network architecture is optimal for fast, reliable traffic transmission. Standby switchover of channels in force majeure circumstances takes less than 50 milliseconds.

“There are high demands on modern multi-service transport networks. Long Haul surpasses all existing communication networks in Russia in speed, reliability and development potential. Latency between Frankfurt and Hong Kong is only 153 ms. TransTeleCom has been gradually shifting the traffic of its international customers to the new network, and this process is now complete,” said Roman Kravtsov, President of TransTeleCom.

In future, TransTeleCom plans to increase the number of traffic input/output points as part of the expansion of the Long Haul DWDM network. This will increase network availability for both foreign and domestic customers.

* A traffic regeneration point is a network node where opto-electrical conversion of DWDM channels takes place. Traffic regeneration means conversion of an optical signal to an electrical signal and vice versa.

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