By Roger Solé, Sprint Chief Marketing Officer
I recently heard a story about a Verizon customer that wanted to switch carriers after a big blow-up with their customer service folks. This customer didn’t end up switching because he was in one of Verizon’s “grandfathered” unlimited plans. They no longer offer unlimited data plans so he chose to stay in an old, overpriced one. AT&T is not much different as they only offer unlimited data plans if you sign up for DIRECTV® or U-verse® TV. No thank you!

Our team at Sprint can’t understand why anyone would force their customers to worry about data overages each month. Just a week ago, Verizon started airing TV ads touting $55 for 5GB of data, claiming customers don’t need – or want – unlimited wireless plans. How can they presume to know how customers use their devices and how much data they need? Mobile video data traffic is doubling every 18 months. Clearly, unlimited data is important to wireless consumers.
Starting on Friday, Feb. 3, switch to Sprint and get the best price for unlimited data available for a single line. Through the end of March, get unlimited data, talk and text for just $50 per month. Add a second line and pay just $90 per month for both. Add additional lines for just $30 per line. That is just $150 for a family of four.
This means no more worrying about running out of data or surprise overage charges. Enjoy unlimited mobile optimized streaming videos, gaming and music – and unlimited 4G LTE data for most everything else while on the Sprint Network.* That’s worry-free wireless for at least $5 less than Verizon’s new 5GB for $55 plan. AT&T’s restrictive unlimited plans are twice that price! We will even cover your switching fees up to $650 per line. **
Other carriers just don’t get it. When you buy a fancy new smartphone you want to actually use all of those bells and whistles. What good is it to buy the latest and greatest phone when you can’t enjoy it without worry or restrictions? At Sprint, we don’t underestimate the value of unlimited data and neither should you.
We believe in the value of unlimited data plans and so do our customers. Overwhelmingly, most Sprint customers are choosing our powerful unlimited rate plans. I never want to go back to worrying about how much data I am using when I binge watch to catch up on my latest Amazon Prime obsession (The Man in the High Castle!). And friends of mine with teenagers regularly tell me the same story about getting hit with overages or slowed-down data speeds because their child ate up the family’s data allotment watching YouTube videos. That is just crazy!
Our lives are busy. We have enough to keep track of without adding data usage to the mix. I am excited to welcome Verizon, AT&T and T-Mobile customers to a much easier wireless experience – for just about $1.66 per day! All on a network that is within 1% reliability of Verizon and AT&T and is better than T-Mobile. *** Once you enjoy the freedom of Unlimited, I know you won’t want to go back to purchasing old-school data buckets.
*After March 31, 2018, pay $60/mo. Mobile optimized: video streams at up to 480p+ resolution, music at up to 500kbps, streaming gaming at up to 2Mbps. Data deprioritization applies during times of congestion. Requires ebill. Pricing shown with $5/mo./line AutoPay discount applied within two invoices. Requires new account with port. Other monthly charges apply.
** via Visa Prepaid Card less buyback amount provided at point of sale for your current phone and register online
*** Claim based on Sprint’s analysis of latest Nielsen drive test data for average network reliability (voice & data) in top 106 markets.
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