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Press Release -- May 19th, 2016
Source: AT&T

Rebooting Small Business in America

AT&T is inviting small business owners to share what agility is to them and how it helps them every day, and also enter for a chance at a grand prize to pursue that vision. AT&T is giving away $100,000 in prizes with a grand prize of $50,000.

By: Chris Gardner, author of “The Pursuit of Happyness”

Small business owners do it all. When you’re the CEO, sales team and the IT department for your company, you have to be agile to handle whatever comes your way. You have to be agile to simultaneously stick to a plan and adapt to the ever-changing demands of your customers and the market. And you have to be agile to trust your own instincts and also rely on your resources.

That’s why I’ve teamed up with AT&T.  AT&T is just as passionate about helping small businesses as I am. AT&T may be a large company, but they appreciate the significant contributions small businesses make to our economy. They understand that small business owners are our friends and neighbors. They own your favorite coffee shop, feed store, pizza joint, dry cleaning store and the insurance office.

Visit AT&T Business Circle for contest details, small business resources and more.

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