A single mom gets a boost as she and her 2-year-old come out of homelessness this Mother’s Day.
Shaquan spent her childhood in the foster system. It was a rough way to live, but at least it provided a roof over head. When she turned 18, she was on her own. At 19, homeless and pregnant, she turned to the Los Angeles House of Ruth – a shelter for homeless and battered women and their children. Her goal became clear: a permanent roof – not only for her, but for her daughter Araiyah.
Shaquan got a job and got to work rebuilding her life. When her name was called to move into her own apartment, AT&T splicing technician Frances Castro-Montoya saw an opportunity to #SpreadTheCheer.
Come along with Frances as she provides a special AT&T housewarming for Shaquan’s first Mother’s Day in her very own home.
– See more at: http://about.att.com/newsroom/spread_the_cheer_mothers_day.html#sthash.sLgedjvg.dpuf
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