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Press Release -- March 24th, 2015
Source: Sprint Nextel

Sprint teams with Affinity24 to solve technology and regulatory hurdles

A California-based merchant services company is betting on Sprint’s technology to become more efficient.

In February, Affinity24 committed to purchasing 20,000 Samsung Galaxy Tab 4s and accompanying data plans from Sprint over the next months. The mobile data from the tablets will be the primary communication conduit for thousands of Affinity24 contractor sales reps who are primarily selling EMV-compliant credit card readers to merchants.

Dean Moll, the Sprint Business account rep who coordinated the deal, has collaborated in the past with Affinity24 Chief Technology Officer Daniel Hindi. Moll, based in the San Francisco area, brokered an agreement for nearly 4,000 M2M devices a few years ago for a West Coast-based company whose taxi-hailing app served as the flagship for Hindi’s role as vice president of engineering.

Hindi sought out Moll again late last year when he grew unsatisfied with the service another wireless company was offering Affinity24.

“I learned the Affinity24 business model, I know how Daniel thinks, and I rapidly discovered where Sprint could do better than its competitor,” Moll recalls.

Specifically, Affinity 24 was sold on:

  • Sprint offering Affinity24 on devices connected to nationwide 4G network coverage.
  • Sprint providing its valuable Data Link solution, which eliminates video streaming, keeps its users on task, and gives Affinity24 full control to manage data for business use.
  • Sprint performing “kitting” of Affinity24’s application on all tablets (a pre-load of all of Affinity24’s applications and branding) as well as drop shipping to individual sales reps and customers.

Those extra steps and Moll’s consultative touch sold Hindi on Sprint Business.

“Affinity24 is helping thousands of merchants become EMV-compliant before the October 2015 deadline,” Hindi said. “U.S. merchants must be EMV-compliant by that date. Fraud liability could fall on the business that lags behind. We’re leaning heavily on Sprint tablets, its network and Dean’s business savvy to help make us and our customers successful.”

Affinity24’s sales contractors are equipped with the Galaxy Tab 4s and a credit-card reader to make sales to merchants. The Affinity24 app provides resources to manage a business funnel, sales leads, news feeds, push notifications, updates to calendar, training events, sales contracts and a mobile payment solution to sell a mobile point-of-sale solution to merchants.

Merchants can purchase a mobile EMV-compliant credit-card reader for point-of-sale. Affinity24 also provides a loyalty points solution, cash advance capabilities between merchants, a credit-card processor, and the ability for the merchant to conduct other business activities on the tablet.

More Affinity24 sales reps will be needed later this year as the race to become EMV-compliant approaches. Discussions are underway with Moll for adding 30,000 more Samsung Galaxy Tab 4s within the next three years.

If you’re a business owner that’s interested in learning how your team can become more efficient with Sprint tablets for Mobile POS (point-of-sale), contact Moll at 408-437-5024

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