Wholesale carrier services company IX Reach has connected its 100th customer to the DE-CIX Exchange in Frankfurt, Germany.
IX Reach connected Italian telco Lepida SpA in a transaction conducted as part of the service provider’s partner program.
The connection was made through a 1GbE port at the DE-CIX Exchange, along with two 1GbE ports at LINX in London and France-IX in Paris.
In addition, it included capacity services in the shape of a 2.5G/10GbE connection from MIX in Milan.
Lepida SpA is aiming to broaden its reach through three of Europe’s largest Internet Exchanges and has contracted IX Reach to give its regional and international customers direct and low-latency data transport to over 1,000 European peer networks.
DE-CIX’s head of business development Andreas Sturm said; “over the years IX Reach has played a vital role in supporting the on-going expansion of DE-CIX and its entry into new markets such as the Middle East and the US.”
In June fiber-optic submarine cable operator Angola Cables connected the Republic of Angola and the South African Region with DE-CIX’s Frankfurt exchange.
In July it was reported that the Intergate data center in lower Manhattan is to install a point of presence (PoP) for DE-CIX, the world’s biggest internet exchange.
The owners of the facilities, Seattle-based Sabey Data Center Properties, will launch the PoP using the Apollon interconnection platform from DE-CIX, a data center and carrier-neutral exchange service provider.
Sabey’s proprietary IGX fiber network will provide DE-CIX with two redundant links on diverse routes to connect 375 Pearl Street and DE-CIX at 111 Eighth Avenue and 60 Hudson Street.
The new DE-CIX POP allows all Sabey tenants to take advantage of DE-CIX’s Ethernet interconnection options.
The connection could potentially expand to multiple terabits per second in the future, according to Sabey.
Sabey Data Centers will use services from DE-CIX that include peering and Layer 2 connectivity to other New York City data centers.
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