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Press Release -- August 24th, 2014
Source: AT&T

3 Tips to Avoid Being Hacked on Social Media

A hacker attack on your Facebook or Twitter account can undermine your reputation. Take these simple steps to stay in command.

After a popular news website’s Twitter account was hacked last week, a tweet announced an Ebola outbreak in Atlanta. It was removed shortly after, but not before it had been retweeted hundreds of times. Last year, fake tweets sent from the hacked account of a major news service had a more dramatic impact, not only sending ripples through the media, but also impacting stocks. While there’s a key lesson here about the importance of social media, these events underscore just how vital it is to keep social media accounts safe.

Social media is often the lifeblood of a small business or brand, sometimes as the only direct line available to customers or clients. So if your social media accounts were to get hacked, not only would your business be in danger, but your reputation and your online relationships as well.

Here are three tips to make sure your social media accounts stay in the right hands:

1. Pick a good password manager

2. Two-step authentication on social accounts

3. Secure your communication with VPN

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