- Kobo, a global leader in eReading, delivers the best digital reading platform to millions of users in 190 countries, now powered by HiberniaCDN.
- HiberniaCDN is available in the company’s owned and managed 190+ points of presence spanning North America, South America, Europe and Asia/Pacific
- HberniaCDN reflects the company’s on-going commitment to and evolution as an end-to-end service provider
SUMMIT NJ– April 22, 2014 – Hibernia Networks, a provider of global telecommunications services, announces today that Kobo, a global leader in eReading, has signed a contract with the company for its HiberniaCDN services.
Kobo, a global leader in eReading, delivers a superior eReading experience to millions of users in 190 countries. Its mission is to lead a global transformation in reading by inspiring readers to read more and more often — anytime, on any device, anywhere around the world.
HiberniaCDN leverages a globally-deployed infrastructure that is fully integrated with Hibernia’s IP network and supplemented by the capacity to handle unexpected traffic spikes and high-volume applications. The HiberniaCDN platform enables users to experience anytime, anywhere performance parity in media and application performance to include Video-on-Demand (VOD) and Live streaming video, website acceleration, video downloads, software updates and releases, music downloads, online game releases and myriad updates.
“The emergence of HiberniaCDN as a global platform for secure, cost-effective delivery of content services satisfies the needs of media providers whose end users increasingly demand content on an anytime, anywhere and any device basis,” states Bjarni Thorvardarson , the CEO of Hibernia Networks. “Our agreement with Kobo not only reflects an evolution in how digital content services are delivered, but also confidence in Hibernia’s IP network to establish, deliver and sustain an exceptional user experience to Kobo’s readers worldwide.”
For more information on HiberniaCDN, please visit: www.hibernianetworks.com/hibernia-cdn/.
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About Hibernia Networks:
Hibernia Networks owns and operates a global network connecting North America, Europe and Asia. Hibernia offers over 190 network Points of Presence (PoPs) in 89 markets and 25 countries. Hibernia Networks serves its global customer base, including wholesale, finance, media and high-bandwidth companies, with unparalleled support, flexibility and service. Hibernia provides secure and diverse dedicated Ethernet, DTM, Wavelengths and carrier-grade IP Transit services. As a true, end-to-end service provider, Hibernia also offers cloud connectivity, low latency connectivity and HiberniaCDN for seamless anytime, anywhere content delivery. Hibernia’s media services are dedicated to flawless delivery of video signals over fiber, supporting dedicated and occasional broadcasts globally. For more information on Hibernia’s cutting-edge network and services, please visit www.hibernianetworks.com.
For more information on Hibernia’s cutting-edge network and services, please visit www.hibernianetworks.com.
For Hibernia Networks media inquiries, please contact:
Jaymie Scotto & Associates
+1.866.695.3629 ext. 5
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