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Press Release -- January 8th, 2014
Source: AMS-IX, ix-reach

IX Reach Becomes First Reseller of AMS-IX New York

IX Reach, global leading provider of wholesale carrier services and connectivity solutions, is the first reselling partner of AMS-IX New York. AMS-IX New York has recently been established according to AMS-IX’s successful and proven European business model. It is the first Internet Exchange of AMS-IX USA Inc. that was founded following the Open-IX initiative. The partnership enables IX Reach to remotely connect parties to peer at the exchange and enhance their IP service offering.

IX Reach has been a reseller of AMS-IX in Amsterdam since 2007. Until now, they have managed to bring a large number of customers to Amsterdam. In 2013, IX Reach was the reseller connecting the most parties, 21 in total, to AMS-IX in Amsterdam “We are very pleased that IX Reach has also joined our Partner Program in the USA”, says Job Witteman, CEO of AMS-IX. “With IX Reach joining AMS-IX New York, we have managed to engage with a valuable player. They have a very extended network in the USA, which makes it easier for parties outside of New York to connect to AMS-IX New York.”

AMS-IX has introduced the AMS-IX Partner Program to allow third parties to resell AMS-IX ports anywhere they have infrastructure connecting to the AMS-IX locations in New York. Under the program these parties and their services are certified to offer the AMS-IX service remotely. The program is aimed to provide easier access to AMS-IX for new (remote) customers through the AMS-IX partners and to consequently increase the value of the exchange through increased peering benefits.

Key benefits of the AMS-IX Partner Program are that partners are able to deliver full service to their customers – including IP transport, AMS-IX peering ports and customer support -, no investments in equipment have to be made and lower port capacity is available when needed.

Steve Wilcox, Founder and Technical Director of IX Reach, commented: “AMS-IX has always been a very important partner for IX Reach, so we’re very pleased to be a part of their expansion to the US. Peering and the Internet are always evolving and established IXPs like AMS-IX are key to the growth of the Internet. Being able to now offer connectivity to AMS-IX New York is an exciting addition to our peering services.”

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