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Press Release -- June 5th, 2013
Source: Verizon

How Verizon Enterprise Solutions’ Assets Impact Your Business

Verizon Enterprise Solutions is coming of age – here’s what the company is focused on.

How businesses are using technology to build their future – and how Verizon Enterprise Solutions is helping them – was the topic of John Stratton’s discussions with media and analysts in London on May 30. The event marked a ‘coming of age’ for Verizon Enterprise Solutions, as the company reaches its 18 month milestone. It’s worth taking a moment or two to reflect on achievements to date, and how Verizon’s unique combination of assets is helping customers achieve their business goals.

Verizon Enterprise Solutions assets help drive a new, connected world of opportunity for business and society through proven, industry-specific enterprise solutions based on leading technology platforms. The company is a premier partner for secure IT, communications, networking and mobility solutions delivered to large and mid-size businesses and government agencies globally.

Most importantly, Verizon Enterprise Solutions continues to focus its efforts on how to help its customers do business better, and particularly innovate for their future. Verizon’s networks, solutions and services are at the center of what is an increasingly connected world, and the company is working on its own and with vendors throughout the tech industry to put these powerful tools in customers’ hands.

The way customers are using our networks is changing. Cloud services, video and wireless traffic require increasing capacity. Channelling ‘Big data’ into real information that can be used to support business success around the globe is critical – quickly, securely, simply. Everything needs to be accessible on demand, on the move, and on any device. Verizon’s investments over recent years have delivered enterprise-grade cloud services, enabling customers to move IT systems, security and logistics into the cloud, controlling costs and managing global operations in radically different ways. They fuel the Internet of Things – machine-to-machine communications which are automating supply chains to improve global operations, and c onnecting vehicles and transport grids to ease transportation and promote energy efficiency. And they have focused attention on Internet security – a critical concern for Verizon’s customers, and their customers – and ways to mitigate the threat of data breaches, and keep big data secure. The company continues to invest in its assets to make innovation possible around the globe.

Verizon Enterprise Solutions is 18 months in to this phase of its journey – but has the whole of the rest of its life to look forward to, and is in great shape to deliver on its vision, and help customers achieve their future success.

Check out some initial coverage from the event – John Stratton in TechweekEurope:

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