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Press Release -- June 25th, 2013
Source: Alcatel-Lucent

阿尔卡特朗讯联手中国移动推出灵云无线微基站助力中国移动加速部署国内4G TD-LTE网络


上海,2013年2月25日——日前,阿尔卡特朗讯(巴黎证交所和纽约证交所:ALU)宣布携手中国移动推出创新型灵云无线(lightRadio™)系列全新产品。针对中国这一全球最大的移动业务市场,该产品将帮助中国移动加速在全国范围内部署4G TD-LTE技术,以满足用户快速增长的对移动视频与数据业务的需求。

由阿尔卡特朗讯和中国移动联合开发的灵云无线微基站(lightRadio Metro Radio)产品将于2月26日在2013年巴塞罗那世界移动通信大会(Mobile World Congress 2013)期间由GTI举办的“TDD之夜”活动上正式发布。

在中国移动首批建设TD-LTE试验网的13座城市中,阿尔卡特朗讯负责承建上海、南京和青岛三座城市的网络部署。上海、南京和青岛是中国乃至全球发展最快的三座城市,率先对其进行TD-LTE 灵云无线微基站商用部署,将能够为三地人口密集地区的家庭用户提供高性能4G业务。此外,中国还拥有全球规模最大的智能手机市场,仅中国移动就拥有超过7.22亿移动用户,占整个国家移动用户总数的一半以上。部署该产品,将帮助运营商满足他们对移动互联网、视频和数据业务持续增长的需求。



阿尔卡特朗讯曾于2012年1月和中国移动签署external link 联合开发协议,双方就一系列lightRadio TD-LTE项目开展联合开发和测试活动,以加速国内LTE网络部署。作为中国主导的4G标准,TD-LTE目前已为全球各大运营商所采用。灵云无线微基站可容纳两个lightRadio魔方,通过与定向天线全面整合,即可实现网络覆盖。而通常情况下则需要体积更大、更重的远程射频模块,并需通过射频同轴电缆与外接天线连接。


中国移动研究院院长黄晓庆表示:“中国移动致力于通过高性能、高速移动宽带业务满足客户需求。目前,我们正在对4G TD-LTE进行商用前的大规模测试。未来,像阿尔卡特朗讯灵云无线微基站这样的有源天线系统将成为我们发展TD-LTE业务的重要组件之一,无论客户身在何处,都将满足他们的需求。”




Infographic——微基站如何带来大不同external link


了解更多关于lightRadio Mobile Radio及其它lightRadio系列产品的信息,大会期间敬请光临Fira Grand Via 3号厅(新)3B 114展位。

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The long-trusted partner of service providers, enterprises and governments around the world, Alcatel-Lucent is a leading innovator in the field of networking and communications technology, products and services. The company is home to Bell Labs, one of the world’s foremost research centers, responsible for breakthroughs that have shaped the networking and communications industry

Alcatel-Lucent innovations are regularly recognized by international institutions for their positive impact on society. In 2012 and for the second year running, Alcatel-Lucent was named one of the Thomson Reuters Top 100 Global Innovators, recognition for the company’s continued addition to its world-class patent portfolio, one of the largest in the telecom industry. Alcatel-Lucent has also been recognized for its sustainability performance. In 2012 the company was ranked Technology Supersector Leader by the Dow Jones Sustainability Index. Through its innovations, Alcatel-Lucent is making communications more sustainable, more affordable and more accessible as we pursue our mission of Realizing the Potential of a Connected World

With operations throughout the world, Alcatel-Lucent is a local partner with global reach. The Company achieved revenues of Euro 14.4 billion in 2012 and is incorporated in France and headquartered in Paris

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