From smart grids and new technologies to policy changes, the electric utility industry is undergoing dramatic change.
Hundreds of experts from various industry and policy sectors will convene on Friday May 10 in Boston to discuss challenges within the quickly changing industry. Independent System Operator (ISO) New England and the New York ISO will host, “Navigating Change.’’ The conference, in its second consecutive year, will be held at the Westin Boston Waterfront. The symposium will cover issues ranging from security and technology to the rapid rate of change in the energy industry and necessary steps the Northeast region of the United States should take to successfully navigate through this period of transformation.
Ernest N. “Ernie’’ Hayden, managing principal of critical infrastructure protection and cyber security on Verizon’s RISK team, will deliver a keynote presentation on the afternoon of May 10 which will focus on the challenges of smart grid security, energy supply security and cybersecurity.
“As part of the efforts that have been undertaken by electric power companies to modernize the electric grid across the United States, companies have deployed everything from electronic smart meters for homes to sensors that can detect power outages. While this technology is designed to help the grid operate more efficiently and intelligently while helping to improve customer service, the emergence of new technologies has created security challenges for the industry,’’ Hayden said.
“The network of sensors, meters and networks are creating massive amounts of data. All of that data – along with the physical security of the components — must be secured,’’ he said.
Hayden will address the evolution of security in the industry as well as key security issues keeping today’s utility executive up at night – and best practices to address these challenges.
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