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Press Release -- April 25th, 2013
Source: Net Insight AB

Net Insight AB : Bulletin from Annual General Meeting in Net Insight AB (publ) on 25 April 2013

Stockholm – The following decisions were passed at the Annual General Meeting (the “AGM”) in Net Insight AB on 25 April 2013. The board of directors’ complete proposals has previously been published and is available at the company’s website,

Approval of the annual report, appropriation of result and discharge from liability
The AGM decided to adopt the income statement and balance sheet, consolidated income statement and balance sheet for 2012. Furthermore, it was decided that the company’s results shall be carried forward and thus no dividend will be distributed. The AGM decided to discharge the board members and the managing director from liability.

Number of board members and auditors, election of board members and auditors and fees to the board members and auditors
The AGM decided that the number of board members, appointed by the shareholders’ meeting, should be six without deputies. Lars Berg, Gunilla Fransson and Anders Harrysson were re-elected members of the board and Cecilia Beck-Friis, Crister Fritzon and Regina Nilsson were elected members of the board. Lars Berg was re-elected chairman of the board. Bernt Magnusson, Arne Wessberg, Clifford H. Friedman and Fredrik Trägårdh had declined re-election.

The AGM decided that the number of auditors shall be one without deputies. PricewaterhouseCoopers AB was re-elected as the company’s auditor with Mikael Winkvist as auditor in charge.

The AGM decided that the remuneration to the board should amount to SEK 1 275 000 to be allocated with SEK 400 000 to the chairman of the board of directors and SEK 175 000 to each other member of the board of directors who are not employees in the company. Remuneration to the auditor will be on approved account.

Resolution regarding the nomination committee and guidelines for remuneration and other terms of employment for the group management
The AGM resolved to approve the proposed instructions for the nomination committee and the board of directors’ proposal regarding guidelines for remuneration and other terms of employment for the group management.

Net Insight AB discloses the information provided herein pursuant to the Securities Market Act and/or the Financial Instruments Trading Act. The information was submitted for publication on April 25th, 2013 at 13.30 CET.

For further information, please contact:
Lars Berg, Chairman of the Board, Net Insight AB, Phone: +46 8 685 04 69, e-mail
Fredrik Trägårdh, CEO, Net Insight AB, Phone: +46 8 685 04 00, e-mail:

About Net Insight

Net Insight delivers the world’s most efficient and scalable transport solution for Broadcast and IP Media, Digital Terrestrial TV and IPTV/CATV networks.

Net Insight products truly deliver 100 percent Quality of Service with three times improvement in utilization of bandwidth for a converged transport infrastructure. Net Insight’s Nimbra(TM) platform is the industry solution for video, voice and data, reducing operational costs by 50 percent and enhancing competitiveness in delivery of existing and new media services.

More than 175 world class customers run mission critical video services over Net Insight products in over 60 countries. Net Insight is quoted on the NASDAQ OMX, Stockholm.
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