WHITE PLAINS, N.Y., March 28, 2012 AboveNet, Inc. (NYSE:ABVT – News), a leading provider of high bandwidth connectivity solutions, today announced its expansion into the Toronto market. AboveNet will offer its portfolio of Ethernet and Wavelength services to serve enterprises and carriers.
“Toronto is a key networking hub in North America serving a diverse customer base in markets including finance, media and entertainment,” said Rajiv Datta, chief operating officer at AboveNet. This expansion enables AboveNet to serve the high bandwidth network requirements of enterprises and data centers in Toronto and to provide connectivity to key markets in the U.S. and Europe.”
AboveNet`s solutions are ideal for bandwidth-intensive enterprises and carriers with a need for fast, secure, high performance networks for business-critical transactions. With this expansion, customers in Toronto now have access to AboveNet`s full solutions portfolio including its MAN (Metro Area Network) and WAN (Wide Area Network) solutions.
Approximately 40% of the Canadian communications traffic passes through the Toronto corridor, as estimated by Gartner analyst Dan O`Connell. “Toronto`s diverse economy is driven by such high growth verticals as finance, high-tech, media, and education, many of which have strong linkages with the United States and Europe,” he said.
Increasingly, businesses are moving mission-critical applications to public data centers to lower costs and take advantage of cloud based offerings. As part of its expansion, AboveNet is now connected to key public data centers in Toronto including Cologix.
“Toronto is a network interconnection hub and a vibrant market of network buyers, including financial, cloud, hosting and large enterprises,” stated Todd Coleman, chief operating officer at Cologix. “We are proud to have AboveNet as a customer in support of their expanded network and to facilitate connections to Toronto`s network buyers through our 151 Front Street West data center.”
AboveNet customers in Toronto can now also benefit from AboveNet`s expansive network footprint that connects to buildings containing more than 500 data centers. AboveNet`s infrastructure includes 2.5 million fiber miles, an intercity network spanning approximately 13,000 route miles and a global Tier 1 IP backbone.
To contact the AboveNet team in Toronto, please call 877-go-ABOVE (877-462-2683) orwww.sales@above.net.
About AboveNet, Inc.
AboveNet, Inc. provides high bandwidth connectivity solutions for businesses and carriers. Its private optical network delivers key network and IP services in and among top U.S. and European markets. AboveNet`s network is widely used in demanding markets such as financial services, media, health care, retail and government.
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Kristen Hyland
AboveNet Public Relations
(914) 993-1250
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