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Press Release -- February 29th, 2012
Source: Verizon

Verizon Offers Glimpse into Upcoming Data Breach Investigations Report

SAN FRANCISCO – At the RSA Conference, Verizon is offering a glimpse into select findings from the upcoming “Data Breach Investigations Report” (DBIR). The “Verizon 2011 Investigative Response Caseload Review” provides topline findings from Verizon-investigated breaches that will be included in the upcoming report.

WHEN: Feb. 29

WHERE: RSA Conference

WHO: Verizon RISK (Research Investigations Solutions Knowledge) Team

WHAT: This report was culled from the 90 data breaches that Verizon investigated in 2011. Key findings include:

  • External attacks continue to rise. Ninety-two percent of attacks are external in origin.
  • Hacking and malware pose a huge threat. This attack method is represented in 99 percent of attacks.
  • Breaches remain a global phenomenon. Less than half of breaches originate in North America with the remainder split between Europe, the Middle East and the Asia-Pacific region.

BACKGROUND: The full 2012 DBIR, to be released this spring, will analyze more than 850 breaches, and include data from five law enforcement agencies: the U.S. Secret Service, the Dutch High Tech Crime Unit, the Irish Reporting and Information Service, the Australian Federal Police and the London Metropolitan Police. Industry experts believe the report will represent the most comprehensive look yet into cybercrime. For more info on the DBIR, please visit

Media Contacts:
Clare Ward
+44 (0)118 905 3501
Nilesh Pritam
+ 65-6248-6599
Brianna Carroll Boyle

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